roon ROCK running on Intel NUC i5 / 1.6Ghz / 128 SSD / 8GB
Netgear ReadyNAS NV+
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Ethernet home network. Pakedge RK-1
Connected Audio Devices
Mytek Brooklyn Bridge over Ethernet
Number of Tracks in Library
Don’t know - connection is lost
Description of Issue
I have roon configured to backup daily. I wasn’t paying attention and in November, it stopped working. My last successful backup was on Nov 10, 2022. I have been traveling and between that and holidays had not been using roon much. Now, not only can’t roon access my backup folder, it also cannot access my library. Both are on a NetGear ReadyNas on the same ethernet network. When I try to add either of the folders back to roon I get an invalid path error. For example, my library is \NetworkDrive\Music\roon backup
I have not made any changes to the NAS. Why did roon suddenly stop having access. In “Scheduled Backups” screen it shows “Backup failed at 1:00:00 / Backup directory not available” I am able to access that directory from all computers on the network. It’s there and it’s fine. Also, roon is still working and I can stream from Qobuz and Tidal. I just can’t stream from my library on the NAS
The backup and music directories on the NAS aren’t available to Roon. This could be a permission problem, or the network drive address has changed (you didn’t state if IP address or server name is used.)
Have you tried rebooting everything?
Also, it’d be helpful if you completed the support template with more details of network and NAS including IP addresses.
Please be sure to include details of your core, network, storage location of your media files, and any messages displayed by Roon. Thank you.
Roon Core Machine
<!‐-Include your operating system and machine info (Model, CPU, RAM)-‐>
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Networking Gear & Setup Details
<!‐-Your network gear (model of routers/switches) and if on WiFi/Ethernet, are you using VPN-‐>
<!‐-Write below this line-‐>
Connected Audio Devices
<!‐-Specify what devices you’re using and their connection types, like USB/HDMI/Chromecast, etc.)-‐>
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Number of Tracks in Library
<!‐-Tell us how large your music library is, eg. “30,000 tracks”-‐>
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Description of Issue
<!-‐Tell us about the problem you’re having in as much detail as possible. Screenshots are always appreciated!-‐>
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Including these details in your first post helps resolve your issues faster.
you didn’t state if IP address or server name is used
The backup location and music library was previously specified using server name (which has not changed). I tried using IP address also but that did not work.
Have you tried rebooting everything?
I have rebooted the intel NUC, the NAS, and the Pakedge router/switch
Also, it’d be helpful if you completed the support template with more details of network and NAS including IP addresses.
Everything related to the roon setup is Ethernet, no WiFi
IP of roon core:
IP of NAS:, (Netgear ReadyNAS NV+ running firmware version 4.1.16)
Adding additional screen shots. I am able to navigate to the NAS share where the backup folder and FLAC music files (both on the NAS) from any computer on the network
Thank you Martin - I should have mentioned that I’ve tried that and several other permutations with no luck but I do appreciate the clarification. Entering //networkdrive/Music still results in the “invalid network path specified” error.
Thanks for your patience as we work through each thread. Following up on your issue, I was able to take a look at your account diagnostics, and I’m seeing an active local library on your ROCK. Are you still running into invalid path errors?
We also noticed that your \ may be backwards if you are using hostname to share.
Please try:
Or, smb: before your original share and keep them as is. Let me know if either work.
Taking a few steps back, how is your Netgear ReadyNAS NV+ connected to your router? I see you mention everything is connected via Ethernet, but are there any network switches at play?
With that, If possible, could you test hardwiring the NAS directly to your core?
I would give your router and network a hard reboot in the meantime as well.
Tried both iterations of the \ direction you suggested (see attached screen shots) still getting the exact same error. I’m also attaching some views of the NAS and the Music/Flac folder from my desktop, showing that they are readily accessed.
To be honest, I’m not sure how to connect intel NUC which is my core, directly to the NAS while keeping the core on the network. Any direction there would be appreciated.
Yes, have tried username and password without luck. Not sure how I would connect the NAS to the ROCK without a switch (?) Sorry - I’m not a networking expert. There have been no administrative changes made to the switch and nothing else on our home network is experiencing any connectivity issues. Only Roon. Was there a Roon Rock update in November of 2022?
It does look like your NAS is using SMB v1. You can likely change the samba settings on the NAS config page. Could you please check this, and try an IP address connection instead of the hostname. I would also reserve the IP in your router.
As another temporary workaround, and to get around any possible NTFS issue, can you attach the drive to a Windows machine and share it out to the Core? Then Windows can deal with the filesystem and Roon will just use SMB to read / write data. That may tell you if it’s an issue with the contents of a file vs. something with the hardware.
Via MAC, you should be able to punch SMB://networkdrive/ in a browser should pull up the share.