Need advice please with HEGEL

Nice story. Thank you for sharing it. Of course even if 390 becomes Roon ready (most likely only through divine intervention at this stage) we will all still need Roon servers in our networks. The only change is that the 390 will pick up a stream directly from the Ethernet rather than USB. Will this difference be audible/ better? Who knows. It’s the unfulfilled promise that itches so.

Happy Hegel owner keeping the discussion alive…

Just a gentle reminder that Hegel’s apology notice is now celebrating its 1-year birthday :dancer::man_dancing:

What’s the moratorium on apologies anyway?


Who knew an year measures a bit (longer)? :slight_smile:

A two year delay from when they started talking about it is rather impressive. If it was human it’d be a toddler by now well into its “no!” phase

Happy soon birthday Roon ready delay

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I second this pairing. Also have Matrix Audio Mini-i Pro 3 and it’s great.


Its bizarre that’s its taking so long!?
Just what exactly could be the minutiae that’s stopping Hegel from implementing this?

Just hoping it is the perfect implementation of RR.
But it could be something else as well… who knows!?

I agree - its very strange. No other company appear to have the problem. Plus it appears to be pretty straight forward - all they are doing is allowing Roon (which is run from a core - ie computer) to stream direct to the amplifier which has a network connection…

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Hegel reserves the right to renew their apology every 2 years.


If they wait a decade there will be so much more to offer. I see you working, Hegel😜

With all due respect, that is not what Roon Ready is. What you have described is more akin to a Roon Bridge implementation, which typically runs on a RasPi3B/4 and has no endpoint controls to interface with.
Roon Ready is described at the link below but I am guessing it is the ‘… Two-way communication (for volume, mute, convenience switching, metadata displays, standby controls, and other commands) …’ that entails the most work in rewriting firmware and testing to ensure smooth trouble free operation.

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Including but not limited to :rofl:

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I have well and truly moved on after buying a Lumin, but Hegel’s continued lack of progress and updates on their Roon roll out is just beyond a joke now. The disregard for its customers who have shelled out a significant amount of money for a product that simply does not perform in a way we were told it would, is staggering.

There is clearly some major hardware limitation that is preventing Hegel’s implementation of Roon Readiness to the standard that Roon requires.


Anyway, in order to get the best out of my amp (H190) I got an external DAC and streamer.

I’ll live without having the amp Roon Ready. It’s an outstanding

Why did you need an external DAC though? What does that have to do with Roon Ready…

If your external DAC/streamer is Roon Ready, then whether Hegel ever get Roon Ready status is of no relevance. Also, at a certain price/quality point external DACs/streamers will better the integrated Hegel DAC and streaming functionality (model specific obviously). That is the route I went down (Lumin T2) and never looked back.


A post was split to a new topic: New Firmware - Tidal Connect has been added!

101 Hegel fanboys will surely disagree.

Well, I’m a Hegel fanboy and there is no doubt the DAC in the Lumin T2 is better than the one in my H390 (which itself is no slouch). So, no, not really.

Well, this month we celebrate the 1 year anniversary of " An apology from all at Hegel!". Although I suspect the Hegel software department is enjoying their much deserved holiday, I still am wondering what’s the status of the ROON readiness. As Morrissey already told us long time ago: “That joke isn’t funny anymore”!

@Anders_Ertzeid do you care to comment?