Need Help with sonictransporter core and multi-zone “grouping

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

ROON Core: sonictransporter i5 1TB SSD, ROON Ver 1.8 (build 764), purchased 2017

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

All Hard-wired Cat7, no Wi-Fi used.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

ROON EndPoint 1: sonore microrendu, purchased 1/2017

ROON EndPoint 2: SONOS Connect (ZP-90) (w/ Wyred4Sound96kHz re-clocked Mod, 2017)

Description Of Issue

My Objective: I would like to accomplish “zone grouping” between my two zones (EndPoint 1 & EndPoint 2). Both EndPoints currently work fine as independent endpoints (without any grouping).

My Problem: Evidently the sonictransporter cannot be configured via the normal ROON “Settings → Setup → Configure” path [just endlessly ponders after clicking configure button]. Also, “Zone Picker” symbols and/or “Zone Settings”options do not appear when such zone icons are clicked. So, I have not been able to find any way to treat the two zones as “grouped”.

Yet, a Roon Labs Help Center paper entitled “Installing Roon on Linux” suggests that “Roon Bridge for Linux runs on x86_64 platforms” and implies that “ROON Bridge” can be installed on Linux machines using an “Easy Installer” to install Roon Bridge. If so, this would allow me to group the my zones ???

I have no idea how to do this or whether a Roon Bridge can/should be installed on the sonictransporter core or on my two endpoints.

I’ve spent hours exploring available online information but am still lost. I’m hoping you could help me with this.

You can’t group those endpoints. Sonos is proprietary and can only be grouped with other Sonos.
The configure you are pressing in settings is for machines running ROON operating systems ROCK or Nucleus, you don’t have one so it won’t do anything.

As ged points out

The simple rule is “like with like” the zones transfer protocol must match, RAAT with RAAT, Airplay to Airplay etc , Sonos and Sonos will group

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