I am trying to set up a Roon ROCK NUC as new core, and need it to point to this back up location, so that I can restore the latest backup from the iMac core to the (new) ROCK core.
This path is working fine today.
However, I do not know how to write it.
I tried “smb:// - TE iMac/Théodore/Théodore - Personnel/HiFi/RoonBackups” but the system does not accept it.
Alternatively, it would be great if Roon offered a way to just browse the network locations, rather than have to write the path. Is that at all possible?
I enter 3 things that Roon asks for to find a back up location:
The target file on the shared network (which is shown above)
My username and password for the server on which the target file is.
I get “unauthorized access” but I don’t know why.
When I access the same file from another machine in the network, with the exact same credentials, it shows up just fine.
And you have shared it via file sharing in system settings as a SMB share, then choose your user and add password. Works fine for me just set up my Desktop folder.
You just enter \\ipaddress\sharedfoldername in Roon doesn’t need full unc path just ip and the shared folder name.
OK, looking at the screenshot you kindly shared, I realize that I need to add myself to the users (with the + button). I think this is what I was missing. Will try it right away.
Thank you all @Robem, @Simon_Arnold3, @ged_hickman1 for your advice! After using the “ipaddres” (thank you @Simon_Arnold3 for the very helpful screen capture), and shortening the path to only the folder (even though this is contrary to Roon’s instructions page), and some experimentation with the username it worked.
The same procedure with the server name instead of the ipaddress does not work. Again, Roon’s instructions appear to be incorrect.
Still seems like a random result, and it took me about 6 hours of experimenting to get there. I wish Roon would allow to simply “Browse” the network, just like the interface of a Mac.