Networkpath cocktailAudio x45 with roon nucleus

Roon Core Machine

Roon Nucleus
Cocktail Audio x45
Both with ethernetcable on the router

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Could anyone give me the networkpath for to see the Data of the Storage from my X45?

There are a lot of topics bit never was posted the path. I have enabled the samba path but there is no connection.

This depends on the network name that the X45 announces to your router. In your router web admin page you should normally find a list of all devices on the network, with names. Typically you can also rename the devices there.

(Whether network names work depends on whether the router provides a local network name service, but most do. If not, you will have to use the X45’s IP address in the path)

The X45 uses the “X45” name by default according to the manual:

I would suggest copying the data from the Cocktail and putting it local to the Roon Core with an external USB drive for example.

With Roon, the core processes all the audio and then sends it to an endpoint. If both source and endpoint is the same, what is going to happen is that the file will be copied from the cocktail audio to the Nucleus, processed into raw PCM and then sent back to the cocktail audio.

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Thank you for your help!

The name in the router list is X45. I tried the IP Adress as well, but i didnt work.

My tests:
smb://X45/My Music
smb://X45/HDD1/My Music
smb:// Music

Any other Ideas?


If you have a PC or Mac, then you could use Windows File Explorer or the Mac Finder to discover the names of the folders that the X45 is sharing over the network.

The extract from the manual posted above suggests that it would be LocalStorages.

Thanks for your help!

I use the X45 for CD Ripping, because its so comfortable. So I would prefer to let the storage for the CD Data in the X45.


Did you enable the Samba sharing in the X45 settings? I can’t remember what the manual says but I suppose it might not be enabled by default.

And as @Geoff_Coupe wrote, the name of the share seems to be LocalStorages according to the manual screenshot I posted, not My Music.

And you can try if it works from a PC or Mac as Geoff suggested. Or if you don’t have one, a file manager app on the phone should work too. (Maybe you need to install a third-party one from the app store that can connect to smb shares, if the default one can’t)

Thank you for your help and for the Info from Geoff!

The right path is:


Then you can chose the HDD1 and further folders. I always was missleaded using the HDD1 in the path.

Thank you very much!

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