Current one:
New one with album tracks ? A picture says more than words. What do you guys think ?
Good idea, like it! Maybe make it an optional view.
Interesting idea, vertical scrolling I assume.
How would it handle a large number of tracks (e.g. single disk album with lots of tracks, multi disk albums, box sets)?
I guess it could truncate after 15 tracks, but I’m not sure I’d like that.
I would have no problems with truncation after 15 tracks. This kind of overview helps a lot in identifying albums in a glance. The whole tracklist shows as usual when clicking on the album. It could be an option how many tracks are showed? Or even better make it scrollable? A large number of tracks doesn’t fit in the current album view page without scrolling either, not even albums with 15 track.
Yes, this is a example with gapless vertical scrolling.
What is the intent here - to be able to get to a track quickly and easily from an album? To create a queue of tracks quickly?
The info I miss at the album level is things like the year of release, the file format / source (eg Tidal, Tidal Masters, FLAC), bit/sample rate (for local and Tidal).
I like the idea of moving to a single screen where you can do things easily. But it depends what the person is wanting to do from this screen (find music or build a queue). It would be interesting to find out from folks what they use this library screen for, and having filtered the albums - what is your next click (and why)?
These two Roon settings, should help with most of that:
No it’s more about instantly recognizing an albums and instant playing a track. A tracklist works wonderfully for that. File format doesn’t interest me in this view to be honoust. Genre info or release year could be nice. But be carefull with too much info cramped in a tidy space. That’s what the album view page is for.
Thanks - that works for files on a local drive. But if you’ve got Tidal in your library then the information is a little scarce.
Nothing for me, to much condensed on one screen.
I like a simpler cleaner layout, although you can always catch me with eye candy
I know it’s a faff, but editing the Version field works for me:
I appreciate the effort Sjef, but I honestly don’t think this is a good idea.
Just my subjective opinion, but if there would be a majority in favour of this, I hope it will be optional.
If it’s an option point one is no showstopper here. This example was made on a 1900×1200 screen resolution but it could be scaled without any problem. Roon scales down on your Ipad anyway. Pleas give it a look at a high resolution screen. Maybe I have to provide another picture for lowres screens.
Two. What is a “professional look” A non argument to me. Roon is for personal use, not a show off to impress others. I never use the current browser because it’s too cramped with only ppictures with little or no information. Doesn’t work for me and I don’t find it cleaner either. Tracklist helps enormously in instanr recognition, yes an instant visual clue. It provides instantly way more info the just the album cover. Again in it’s current state I never use the album browser.
We’ll soon find out Sjef, as I expect the release of the new UI update won’t take very long anymore. Curious to find out if the team did anything with these pages, would be really surprised if they didn’t!
For example, in my picture there are two version of an album of Explosion in the Sky with the same album cover. Without a tracklist they look identical to me. Yes offcoarse they have a different title but with the tracklist I instantly recognize them in a split seconsd and I can tell them apart. It also helps in recognonizing specail version of an album. It helps to see if it is a single or an album. It helps in quick searching for a version of a song of an artist when you can’t remember on wich album it was on. It is actually very usefull in many ways. Sure lot’s of you don’t see the use of it for now but once you get used to it it really works. There is soo much more potential, this is just an example.
I think it could work with a slider for zoom. When I open my library I get a 10x4 grid of album covers. No space for track listing there - and arguably too small already with no additional information. In your image you’ve focussed on a tag to filter it to fewer albums. Possibly it needs the ability to control zoom to determine the grid.
I couldn’t disagree more. I love a good show
For me displaying my music collection as good looking as possible is the number one criteria for choosing a player.
This is my personal opinion. And therefor I hate it when things like format and bitrate, which have nothing to do with the music itself only the transport medium, mutilate beautiful cover art. In the analog age nobody would had the idea to print a big “100% vinyl, produced on xy super production machine” on the front cover. Such technical facts should be hidden deep in the background.
I shouldn’t like it, but I kind of do!
It’s a bit like having access to the back cover of a lot of CDs at once.
Sorry but that looks far too busy for me.
I prefer a more clean design…
I already know the contents of all my albums. Not sure how this helps me. If the tracks are clickable, to be able to play a specific track without opening the album, this would make this view a lot more interesting.
If this is just an example, Sjef, I invite you to name a few more examples of its potential, because the examples you mention don’t convince me. I think Album View does this much better. I have a lot of different versions of a lot of albums and find it much more convenient choosing an album in Albums View, then selecting the specific version I want to listen to today in Album Details view:
I agree with @Dusty: I already know the contents of my albums. Why have it obtrusively in my face each time I use Roon? I guess what we have here is the classic debate between IT/tech minded people and design/communications minded people. It’s a bit like the request to re-introduce a folder browsing system in Roon: how much detail do you want in one screen?
The fact that Roon dismisses so much BS and in doing so, provides so much more insight than its competitors, is the reason I choose Roon. I really hope it keeps on doing this. I welcome change when it means progress, but I think this would be a huge setback. Imagine how it would look on my small iPad screen. There would be nothing left: