New music not appearing in library after forced rescan (ref#JXYQNT)

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· I'm having trouble adding music to my library

Describe the issue

added music to library, about 60 new songs from different artists, none are showing up in the library, forced rescan but it blinks so fast you can tell it isn't really rescanning. not sure what to do.

Describe your network setup

iMac and NAS NUC server.

Can you clarify how you have “added music to [your] library”? Are these tracks that you have favourited in your streaming service (e.g. Qobuz or Tidal), or a collection of tracks that have been downloaded or ripped from albums?

Roon tries to identify albums, and if these tracks are simply a random collection of downloaded or ripped tracks, it won’t have been able to identify the albums from which they came. You will need to add metadata to the tracks to help Roon create a “compilation” album.

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So these were new tracks added to the same storage folder that houses the files that Roon used to create the initial library. There are already Qobuz AIFF tracks in this library, that are showing up with all their metadata, and all of the new tracks are the same kinds of tracks. These new recent tracks were added after the initial creation of the library by Roon, and any others I add from anywhere Qobuz or not, are not showing up in the library.

Hi @drc43,

In Settings → General, do you have “Show hidden tracks and albums” toggled On?

Do any of the local tracks that have failed to import appear in “Skipped files” in your Library settings?

Please share the name of a Qobuz album that you’ve attempted to add to the library so the team can activate diagnostic logs and pinpoint the event. Thank you!

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Hidden files was already showing, it says no files have been skipped, I uploaded pics of this, and a pic of some of the albums that do not show up, only one of these, Cea Serin, is showing, the rest are not.

That screenshot appears to be the “My Purchases” screen of the Qobuz app. So you have bought these albums and downloaded them?

Do you download the albums to a staging folder on your PC or Mac and then copy them across to your Watched Folder in Roon, or how do you add them into your Roon Library? Thanks.

Edit: do the album folders show up in the Folder browser of Roon? For example, at one time I was putting my purchased albums into a folder called Purchases in my local library:

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Yes, I bought these albums and downloaded them, then added them to the library, where all the other albums are as shown in this picture:

Yes, they are there in the folder browser, however I am not sure if they are newly there, because as I was typing, I noticed the library updating with the new songs all of a sudden! The only thing I did that might have stimulated them to populate was to turn on “Import iTunes playlists” as shown here, the rest I did not touch:

Is there a way to make these new Qobuz purchases (I make these purchase a lot) show up automatically in a playlist or something, all in one place, when I go to Qobuz under ‘browse’ in Roon, or somewhere in Roon? I thought that would be under “My Qobuz” or something similar.

Unfortunately, there’s not a “Qobuz Purchases” section in Roon’s Qobuz > “My Qobuz” pages, but there is such a section in the Qobuz app itself.

I use this to Tag my downloaded purchases in Roon with a “Qobuz Purchase” tag, and then I can display my Qobuz purchases in the Album browser:

You can select multiple albums in the Album browser and apply the tag in a single operation.

What may be giving Roon trouble is the fact that in your My Stuff folder, you have a lot of single tracks followed by the QOBUZ downloads MINE and the QUANTUM M…UP on Server folders.

So Roon is thinking that the entire contents of the MY STUFF folder is an album and fails to make any sense of it.

You should move those single tracks into a folder of their own to create a “Compilation” album (which won’t be identified by Roon as no such album has ever been released, but will at least show up as an album in the Album Browser).

Hey @drc43,

I wanted to check in on this thread and see if @Geoff_Coupe’s comments above were helpful? He is steering you in the right direction in terms of next steps. Let us know! :+1:

So I put all those singles into a compilation folder, and restarted the computer, I still cannot see new tracks. What is the proper method of getting them into Roon? Do I copy them into the MY STUFF folder or do I import them or does it matter which?

A post was split to a new topic: Are there smart playlists in Roon like in iTunes?

I am getting this unavailable message. There are some different versions of these songs in the library probably, but these were recently purchased from Qobuz, why would they be unavailable now? I think they were probably fine before, then it was rescanned or something.

Your screenshot is of the Track Browser - and the tracks showing “Unavailable” are all tracks that are in the Qobuz streaming service - NOT tracks that you have purchased from Qobuz and downloaded as local copies.

So Qobuz has probably replaced the album in its service with a different version, and the pointers in your library are no longer valid.

You can resolve this by looking for the album in Qobuz and renewing the pointers in your library.

Please show us a screenshot of what your MY STUFF folder structure looks like now. Thanks.

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Hi @drc43,

@Geoff_Coupe is correct in the above reply. Let us know your status, thank you! :pray: