New Nucleus Titan?

The HiFi manufacturers have done very well packaging relatively cheap components and selling the resulting box at ridiculous profit margins for years.

Don’t see why there is so much angst that Roon/Harmon take a 200 dollar NUC and package it in a nice box and sell for 3700 dollars.

There is a saying “there is one born every minute” I would expand this to say “and in later life they become audiophiles”

What value you believe you are getting is all that matters and there will be quite a few who will snap up a Titan and love it…….Each to his own.


Looks like NUC 13 from the back:



Its a bit sad Roon/Harmon didn’t take the back plate off and move the ports around a bit to disguise the fact it is bog standard NUC 13 before sticking it in a fresh box and marking the price up by US$ 3000! No wonder the marketing blurb didn’t show pictures and stuck to describing the aesthetics…


I think it would be even sadder if they did what you suggested.


The branding certainly makes sense after the acquisition (Roon is still a ‘thing’ and not just getting summarily merged into Samsung SmartThings and Galaxy Mobile Apps). The rack-candy aesthetic also makes sense in an aspirational / halo product sense. The real question I guess is, how does it compare to the current Nucleus products and other Roon hardware options and is it ‘worth it’?

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The ports are soldered to the board.

This appears to be the same config as a NuC 12 so we’re only hope it is a 13 :slight_smile:

I was being a bit facetious in the post. Just depressed that companies are so driven to amass profits that they will go to the extreme end of price gouging their customers. Very common in the HiFi space.

I did. Roon annual expired on January 9th. Will keep checking back a couple of times per year to see if Roon improved the SQ a little for my ears, changed the UI more to my liking and once again facilitated offline playback of my local files. If they ever do then would give it another try…

On the Titan front, yes everyone has a choice, agreed. What constitutes fair value however is another matter…but each to his own.

There is quite some aggressive negativity here against Roon and its products.Mods are quite patient.

I look forward to the new Nucleus. I need a replacement for a Win core PC which can run larger local libraries and is silent. Active cooled Nucs are way too noisy. I tried that, and I kicked it out after a week.
Yes, there are other solutions than the new Nucleus, but as I am very happy with my second core Nucleus+, I most probably go for the Nucleus Titan.


Yet you set pis up easily enough it’s really no different to that.

My local shop put mine together, tested it etc, all I did was add software

Easy peasy :sunglasses:


10 posts were split to a new topic: Are other people putting together ROCK setups and selling them?


A PC in a custom box.

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If you are going to spend top dollar, consider the Grimm MU2 DAC/streamer/preamp with embedded Roon server and optional SSD. Just add amp and passive speakers and you’re in business. Of course, you’ll be out $18K.

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I will love to se real specifications like what ssd technology and interface generation, usb4, what processor and generation. The only that I see and hear is like buying air, that will not do for me. Prefer to buy a MacPro and BACCH sofware.


Hopefully someone from Roon will read this and consider it. I know there is no possibility of a response.

I use a Windows PC as my CPU for Roon. It is located in my office. On the other side of the wall is my home theater. The windows PC is connected to a monitor in my office, where I can select what I want Roon to play for several hours or just use Roon Radio.

I run an HDMI with video through the wall, and to my Anthem processor, and from there to a large TV. So when I am working or walking around in the theater room, I can see what Roon radio is playing without having to pick up an iPad. It is right on my big screen TV.

The audio for Roon goes from the Windows PC via ethernet to a dCS Bartok DAC.

I have never been interested in the nucleus due to the lack of an HDMI that includes video, and this new product again fails to include it.

For this price, why don’t they include HDMI with video?

Why HDMI that is audio only?

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I think this is basically just a Nucleus running ROCK. The new stuff is (1) upgraded NUC internals to the last version of the Intel NUCs, and (2) the new cases that have “stunning aesthetics”. Anyone know what the CPU is?

Doesn’t seem to be available from the Roon online store yet.

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One must wonder if they have made one yet , it’s easy to mock up a pretty box :smiling_imp:

Unless of course it was a Harman “box” waiting for the internals and software

We will never know

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: All the stuff from the Nucleus Titan thread that has nothing to do with Nucleus Titan