New Nucleus Titan?

52 posts were merged into an existing topic: All the stuff from the Nucleus Titan thread that has nothing to do with Nucleus Titan

Reading all these wrangling over the price tag and thinking of $3699, I donā€™t understand why audiophiles (ROON users and Titan potential buyers) living in the USA are not able to realize how LUCKY they are to get one at that price. Here in Europe price will presumably fall somewhere between $5000 and $10000 ( subject to be negotiable between Maker and Seller ).

Actually, from a UK perspective, if it follows industry norms, I would expect the price to be about Ā£3700 since there is generally a Ā£/$ equivalency in the headline pricing of luxury electronic goods (~$4700 in dollar equivalent at the current exchange rate - $1.27=Ā£1).

TL;DR: Whilst it is true that many in the USA pay less for luxury electronic goods, I think the difference in total price paid between UK/Europe and the USA is more to do with taxation and government spending policy than anything else. In many (if not all) US states, GST is much lower than the European equivalent VAT.

For example:

If my guess above is good, it would appear in the UK we would be paying much more for a Nucleus Titan. However, you have to remember that the European/UK price includes VAT but the USA price excludes GST and, since no company can control tax rates in the different regions, it is really only fair to compare the price of items excluding VAT/sales tax.

Take that guess of a UK price of Ā£3700 including VAT at 20%. That means that the the price before VAT would be ~Ā£3083. With that exchange rate of $1.27 = Ā£1 this means that in the UK we would be paying the equivalent of ~$3916 before tax - which is not a million miles away from the US price (~6% difference).

Bear in mind that the exchange rates can, and often do, vary much more than prices in either market. In fact, if the Sterling/Dollar exchange rate falls to less than $1.20/Ā£1, then the UK price will actually represent better value for money (and it has done that several times over the last couple of decades).

In Europe, there would be a similar logic - but bear in mind that in many countries in Europe, VAT is 25% so, although the price in Euros seems equally unfavourable when comparing the headline price, the difference may again be less than it at first appears when tax is taken out of the equation.


Letā€™s do a math bss Nucleus +, conversion rate and country of origin where the Items are/will be made and from where are/will be distributed worldwide
USA: 2559 $ ~ 2336 ā‚¬
Europe: 3000 ā‚¬ - 3220 ā‚¬
Difference ~ 38% (max)
Nucleus Titan
3669 $ ~ 3349 ā‚¬ + 38% = 4621 ā‚¬ ~ 5061 $
Good. It is closer to 5k and not to10k.
But then a question will arise will it belong to the famous APEX,STATEMENT, ā€¦group of hi-end audio products?

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Letā€™s Talk about whatā€™s Moving and Grooving you today! [2024-01]

This seems to being nowhere. Roon announced a new piece of hardware, and that is about it. You may think it is overpriced. Compared to the celeron based Silent Angel itā€™s a bargain. You want bang for the buck go look somewhere else. But this is not for bargain hunters.


Yep, I really donā€™t get the ā€˜aggressive negativityā€™. Itā€™s not like there arenā€™t plenty of far more (and less) expensive Roon boxes available to purchase and ā€˜The Titanā€™ is not replacing anything that exists today (sold by Roon, certified by Roon or otherwise). This certainly isnā€™t giving me a bad case of the ā€˜HiFi Gimmiesā€™ (so sorry Harman) and making me want to replace my $500 Mac Mini and Pi4 running RoPieeeXL.


Itā€™s likely it will replace the current Nucleus.


It is a very pretty device that would look cool in my setup. However, I only have $500 in the 2018 mini, so I would have a difficult time convincing my wife that the Titan is a better player and a worthy investment. So, for now, it remains in my stash of audio porn.:grin:


I think itā€™s too early to make such an assumption.

No, not too early to project that Titan replaces Nucleus. Both Nucleus and Nucleus Plus have been out of stock at the Roon Store for a while now. Not to mention, NUC7 boards in Nucleus are getting aged and discontinued. The writing is on the wall.


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Close reading of the marketing materials implies significant performance improvements, especially for large libraries. With approaching 33,00 albums (500,000 tracks), all of the Roon setups I have tried so far, including Nucleus Plus, have struggled mightily with this. If Titan can run large libraries lickety-split Iā€™m in.


I mean users here have been throwing more CPU and overall performance at Roon than the Titan may ever bring to the table. And still, sometimes the reports on dealing with huge libraries werenā€™t what one would expect from that amount of computing and I/O power. Maybe Roon were better off to finally address the database underneath. And I donā€™t even mention the crazy design flaws re corruption and impossible restores some suffered.
Itā€™s not about fancy cases, bigger CPU and marketing glitter. Itā€™s the data handling.


Agree Iā€™ve had suspicions along these lines from early on but hoping this might solve some issues. We will see when they hit the market I guess.

I agree that the Titan is intended as a replacement for some version of the Nucleus and itā€™s on the high end of the market for Roon products. I do think that Harman will eventually come out with a mid-grade version of the Nucleus in the $2K price range. So we will essentially have the same Nucleus and Nucleus+.

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Impossible to tell which generation they went with. NUCs 11/12/13 have identical back panels.

When will this be available in the UK? I

As owner of Roon, Harman could include in the Titan package a lifetime subscription for Roonā€¦


The Titan was only officially unveiled at CES and according to Darko, it wonā€™t be officially launched until Marchā€¦


I guess given how reluctant they are about photos - itā€™s possible what they showed wasnā€™t the actual release product.

So it might not end up being the NUC based product we saw photos of.