New Nucleus Titan?

It’s useful for them to see what a portion of their user base thinks of a product they are bringing to market.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: A handful (always the same) guys since the start of this thread.

You are correct, but I would just clarify that it is probably only a small subset of the members of the forum that the mega titan is aimed at, very few of whom I guess are participating in the “discussion”.

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Alright, gentlemen, let’s take a breather. The thread is supposed to be about the Nucleus Titan. Let’s keep it that way, thank you.


You wrote this a month ago:

I see criticism, scepticism but no aggression, we should be able to debate something in a civil manner.
You’ve said you will probably buy the Titan, I wish you the best with it and everyone else who buys it, but it’s fair to discuss it as a product and ignore the thread if you don’t like the subject.


Can’t find that discussion, just the usual attacks, like the product is a scam etc…

I wonder then what Harman’s business plan is for the Titan other than “sell as many as we can”.

I wonder how they arrived at a potential total sales figure? I didn’t see a survey from them and it’s significantly more expensive than the old Nucleus.

This thread, and other threads, sees customer feedback which they should value.
I am a customer.

Right - this topic is now in slow mode. If it deteriorates further it will be closed. Thank you.


That’s because you’re not discussing anything, just getting upset at other people’s opinions because they are negative, which doesn’t make them attacks BTW.

Please offer an alternate POV of the Titan.

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I tend to disagree, and I see no point in insulting anyone. The main aspect of luxury in technical things is about their longevity, they keep their value, they represent the philosophy of the manufacturer, they express a certain way of living and they integrate seamlessly into the world of a potential buyer. From that perspective I see the Nucleus Titan.

Take anything from cars to watches to coffee machines as examples. You can tell any Ferrari driver/Rolex wearer/ECM lover/Titan buyer that your Model 3 offers more hp per buck, you Casio is more accurate than Rolex, your Rancilio cheaper per shot and your self-soldered NUC offers same performance. It is all categories which are not of interest when it comes to buying certain technical luxury products.

That is not really a way to unite as a heterogeneous community of music lovers and roon users. And yes I think we should do everything to welcome every single potential new roon user in future and make that idea spread and its followership expand especially among non-IT people, may it be traditional hi-fi guys, luxury lovers, posh gadget people or whoever.

If we in contrary give the impression of a gated community repelling everyone not soldering his/her own NUC, we might end up in a small group not being capable of feeding roon as a software idea on the long run. Let us face it - Streaming apps are getting more and more convenient by themselves, they are cheap. And potential users who are told they are idiots and overpaying their server might well think ´Okay, I am not welcome here, I´d better use Apple Music, Tidal, Qobuz with their native apps´.

I’d rather see happy faces among all roon users and Titan buyers in particular as the chance is high they are new to roon.

That is a legitimate position but please respect that some people want to put their gear there where people can see it and where the action is. In many cases, this is the living room, close to TV and loudspeakers. As traditional hi-fi components are more and more disappearing, a server has to really look appealing to earn that place.

I was in the market for such a nice looking server recently, and I found it shocking how little the offer is to finally get a server approved by people with sense for aesthetics in the same household. That’s why I welcome Titan as a product and I would buy one.


Indeed. I was very careful to stress the “for me” part of your quote.

Too many hyper sensitive/entitled people in this thread. Who cares either way…typical “first world problem”…suggestion to close the thread :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Get a grip folks


I agree. But sharing concerns about how luxury marketing may be exploiting the insecurities of potential buyers is not an insult. It’s an expression of concern, and a call for all of us, as a community, to do better at protecting those among us vulnerable to predatory marketing. And the fact that someone is rich, that “they can afford it” – should we worry less about their well-being than we do “common people”? Or more?

So, no insults from me.

But referring to “self-soldered NUCs” and “users who are told they are idiots” is kind of setting up a straw man. I haven’t seen either behavior on the forum, which in general is inhabited by good folks who have interesting divergences of opinion.


The difference is that Rolex (or let’s say Pathek, Rolex being a rather pedestrian brand for people who do not know any better :slight_smile: ) fans do not claim that it is at time-keeping than a Casio. People collecting fancy pens do not claim that a diamond-encrusted Montegrappa writes better than a Zebra in a 100x pack from Costco. And neither is bought for being “better” at its primary function.

Titan is a perfectly fine product, for those who can and want to pay for it, in the same sense a collectable pen is perfectly fine – it looks good, and it even writes. Is it better at writing than a BIC? Probably not, but if having one makes someone happier, why not?


Roon Nucleus and how it copes with other streamers.

Lets hope the new Titan will make big step up and justify its hefty price tag.

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Is there nothing grown men won’t argue about on this forum? It’s simple. If you want a Roon Nucleus Titan and can afford it, buy it. If you don’t want one, don’t buy it.


It’s somehow revealing to see that a Nucleus (NUC in a nice box) scores so well. I wonder how a NUC (in a standard case) would fare by comparison?

@Vule Do you have the link to this please, I don’t understand all of the information, like “Heft” which I cannot translate, nor the significance of the blue square against some of the listed.

More than happy with my nice box :slight_smile:



That’s a very fancy volume control on your network switch you have there :face_with_peeking_eye:

I hope you crank that to the right while playing Dsd256 files.