New Qobuz album tracks appear as "unavailable" on Roon

Roon Core Machine

ROCK on Intel NUC11TNBi3

Description of Issue

This is a systematic issue with new albums on Qobuz on the day of their release: Roon shows the album tracks as “Unavailable”, eventhough the album and the tracks very much are there on Qobuz and can be played with their own apps. However, the same album IS playable normally from Tidal on Roon.

Hi @mnp75

With the Qobuz screenshot, you’ll see the versions tab. Tap on that and see if there’s an available option.

If it’s available it could be a metadata sync issue or something.

Our new metadata for today will be deployed in about two hours. Worth waiting until then.

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Thanks @joel

Well that shows the Tidal version, which is available like I mentioned. No other Qobuz versions there to choose from.

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So when does that metadata update usually happen…? Like I mentioned, I keep on seeing this every week on album release day Friday. And how come it’s only Qobuz that’s systematically missing the tracks but Tidal always available?

Without wishing to diminish your concern, there are numerous threads about this where users and Roon staff have given explanations as to why this happens and why it happens on a regular basis.


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Mkay, so as a paying user I’m not allowed to report an issue I’m seeing without first manually going through all other reported issues? None of those other reports showed up on the autosuggestions when creating this report.

My time is not free, though. Nor is the yearly subscription fee I pay to Roon, at least assuming I’m allowed to report an issue I’m experiencing.

You can report anything that you like. However you might find some helpful answers on threads that can be found my navigating to Roon Categories- Software Discussions - Qobuz. The Search function on Discourse-based Forums isn’t always the easiest when it comes to finding specific threads so I tend to use the Categories tab to explore what’s available if I know the specific area of concern.

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Roon knowledge base, easy peasey


Actually, the metadata for this album are already live. I wonder if the current stream from dates got cached (if you tried to access the album a little before the tracks were allowed to be streamed).


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