New subscriber thoughts: Scroll performance and track info display logic

Hi all, I’m giving Roon a go for a year - a lot to love so far. Huge amount of power and customisation. Have already got lost several times for hours just exploring links between one artist to another. The classical implementation is glorious.

Two things I’ve noticed that feel a shame for such a premium project:

  • The scrolling performance of the UI is a bit substandard. On macOS and iOS, scrolling through a long biography for example, is quite jerky compared to the rest of my apps. Feels like it’s limited to 60Hz and not taking advantage of the 120Hz available on those platforms.

  • If you’re in the middle of reading a bio or album review, and the track changes to the next on the album, you’re catapulted to the lyrics screen, and once you click back on the bio etc, you’ve lost your place in the article. As so much of the joy of this platform is about deep delves on the context of what you’re listening to, this feels a bit irritating. Even a quick fix like: if the scroll position is anything other than right at the top, don’t auto-switch to lyrics, would be great.

I’m also just going to hope that there is some Atmos support in the roadmap. Please don’t make me keep having to use the Tidal Apple TV app, it’s a nightmare :slight_smile:

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Sounds as though you are reading the bio/review on the Now Playing screen. Then indeed, if a track has lyrics, the display will switch to that. You have (at the moment) two options:

  1. Read the bio or review on the Album/Artist page rather than switching to the Now Playing screen, or
  2. Turn off the lyrics display (click the gearwheel icon on the Now Playing screen to get the customise screen)


Regarding the scrolling, it seems that it affects different people or devices differently. You may find this ongoing discussion interesting:

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The scrolling experience in an artist bio, especially the Wikipedia text, is certainly frustrating. It’s fine when actually viewing the artist’s page, but clicking the album art and using the little icon at the top right is the version that causes the problem.

I’m using an iPad mini and any slight lateral finger deviation jerks the display around. I find if I don’t move in a near vertical motion, the bio is very difficult to navigate.

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Probably best to add this to the existing thread where Roon staff is already engaged

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Recently discovered that. Had to adjust it myself haha.