New to qobuz it will not connect

Hi I have used Roon for years…I thought would’nt it be nice to have Qobuz…boy oh boy this is a world of pain…I can login to Qobuz via their site and windows, mobile app and web app…no problem.
Roon though will not accept the password/username…I have fully rebooted core, switched off the firewall…nope no go…what is going on I am not a super pc nerd who can delve into scripts to find out whats going on … what do I do now???

I’m afraid I can’t help, but flagging @support for you. They may well want to know about:

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Description Of Issue

Is Roon sensitive to dns … as I don’t use the std Google dns???
When I go to settings and navigate to services…I then select Qobuz and then try to login…a panel comes up with username and password. When I enter the correct codes it fails and a red panel comes up … saying bad username or password…for a split second before the red message I get the Roon thinking circle…then red message appears…

Hello @Richard_Wilkinson,

Thanks for getting in touch about this. We’re sorry logging in with Qobuz in Roon is proving to be so difficult :pleading_face: . We’d love to help.

A great first step would be this: quitting Roon, resetting your Qobuz password, trying to log in again with Qobuz in Roon.

Does it help at all?

No it does not work its the 1st thing I tried…


Very likely not the issue, but one never knows.

Have you logged out at Qobuz on all your endpoints?
Qobuz accepts a limited number of simaltaneous logins (I believe 3, but cannot find back the exact number).


Thanks for this…did not know that…logged out of everything…still no go. I can login to Qobuz directly using passwords or even Facebook… Roon just will not have it… I will try restarting core again…

Nope fail again…I am so disappointed…

Cleared cache…nope…failed

Switched of all firewall protection still does not work arghhh

Do you have any other pc or mac that you can install Roon (core) on?
You can eaisky switch between 2 core servers by the deauthorizing - authorizing process.
At least you can determine if the problem is your actual Roon server or not, without changing anything.

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I do have a spare laptop…its a bit slow but OK for Roon…I could crank that up and put Roon on it… how do I de-auther…Roon. Thanks for your help so far… I will try it tonight…

Does your password have any non ASCII characters in it? Try a different password and see if it helps.

Hi Richard

When you will launch Roon on your laptop, it will say that another instance of Roon is active.
You will be able to deauthorize the ‘active’ Roon instance, and will be able to switch to your laptop’s instance.
Once you have tested if you can login at Qobuz , you can stop your laptop’s instance and startover on your normal Roon server. Same process will repeat itself.


P.S. My intention was not for you to deploy Roon completely on your laptop, so do not restore backups or so (unless you really want of course). Just try to see if you can login at Qobuz. If you can then you know at least it has nothing(/everything) to do with your Qobuz/Roon account.


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Cheers will keep you posted…

Hey @Richard_Wilkinson,

Thanks so much for all the effort you put in over the weekend and thanks to the entire community that’s helped with suggestions.

I’m sorry this is proving to be such a ever-ending task… :pensive:

Did changing the Core help at all?

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Hi can you help…I sorted Qobuz from their end and can now login into their webplayer on my pc where core is… however Roon will still not accept password…it says bad user name or password… here are my log file pls take a look…

What level of service does roon need to connect to Qobuz I have Studio Premier Plan???

That plan, and indeed all plans, should be fine.

Did you follow @Simon_Arnold3’s advice and maybe change your password with Qobuz and see if that helps.

If that didn’t work did you get chance to try your Core on different hardware? Also, have you tried an uninstall and reinstall on your existing Core? Obviously don’t forgot to use Backups or you’ll have to rebuild your database from scratch.

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OK long story short…Qobuz worked great early am…but Roon would not accept it. Doh. Thought I would try a different dns…Qobuz then failed again…it looks like I have been locked out 24 hrs… I am at the end of my tether…for god sake…Qobuz/Roon need to get there heads together … there is no advice on dns…just people’s experiences on line… Tomorrow I will load core on my laptop…