Hi @Timothy_Good – sorry for the trouble here. Reading your post above, I’d just like to to confirm a few things:
When you play using System Output, you see the time ticking as if audio was playing, but you hear nothing? And playback continues until the song finishes (meaning, it doesn’t play for a second or two and then stop on its own)?
In this configuration, you can hear other sources on the Mac Mini (like YouTube), but not Roon? Can you confirm that the volume is up in Roon?
Are you seeing the same symptoms playing via the HDMI out? I assume you’ve named the zone, and switched to it?
For the HDMI zone, can you post some screenshots of your audio settings, like the ones shown here?
With regards to the iPad issues, I would look at the OSX firewall first – you can try temporarily turning the firewall off to confirm whether this is the issue.
Let me know how it goes Tim and we’ll figure this out. Thanks!