No Connection Tidal & Qobuz

The horror…

First world problem apocalypse

IMG_20190126_143833 IMG_20190126_144014

10 AM is a little early for me… I’ll give it an hour! :tumbler_glass:

I doubt it has anything to do with bandwidth/workload. Probably just a missing image database link, something like that.

Appears to be a broader metadata backend problem. Even album art for some local albums is not loading for me. I see this in the logs:

b253-924cf873c75e&lid=&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxx-4a6d-xxxx-ba225aec19d8&collection=tidal-us&albumid=79004d5730303030313934343733&collection=tidal-us (62ms) NetworkError
01/26 10:06:49 Warn: [metadatasvc] FAIL [9][]=c80064306c67687a33656538316161&albumid[]=c80035303939373530353136353232&collection=qobuz-fr (62ms) NetworkError

01/26 10:24:58 Warn: Error in web request NetworkError (Aborted.)
01/26 10:24:58 Warn: [additionalimages] networkerror downloading performer image for 167:0:894: Result[Status=NetworkError, ErrorText=Aborted.]

Bet it’s related to this:

Seems to be a widespread server/database problem.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain. Luanne, my fine, fine stewar… er, cabin attendant, tells me that a number of you have asked about our three-hour hold on the tarmac.

I, the captain of this fine craft, and I alone, control the flow of information here. Much of the data concerning the delay is highly technical in nature. And frankly, few of you would be able to understand it if I told you, leading to yet more questions.

"So take a chill pill, sit back and wait. Some of you will be able to recognize the takeoff when it occurs. There will be movement, sound, and an upward tilt of the airplane. THAT’s when we shall have taken off. As for your connecting flights, I’ll notify the tower, but they usually ignore that stuff.

"Oh, one other thing. Our facilities are closed for the remainder of the flight. It seems that we are all a bit responsible for having that extra cup o’ Joe this morning, heh, heh.

“We have your money, and we are not giving it back. Have a nice day.”

Looks like it’s been fixed folks!

Same here. Working again

Yes, here also!

Same at Paris snif !!

It’s getting better but not healthy yet.

I have album and artist images back but not Roon Radio.

I’ve got Tidal album art, but roon radio still defaults to library only.

Coming back step by step but not 100% healthy

It’s getting better…

And it’s gone again. :frowning:

Roon radio is still not working!

Everything working again in Germany

All working well in the UK