No connection with ARC after changing internet provider (ref#HE10XW)

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No connection with ARC after changing provider

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Hello, I had already described this problem some days ago in the community, but did not receive any answer. So here it is my problem again.
With FritzBox 7590 router on Telekom DSL, I had no problems accessing my Roon server on QNAP-TS252 via iPhone and ARC. After changing the provider to TNG Fiber and FritzBox 7530AX ARC-connection no longer works. I have tried all possible settings and changes. Port sharing is set up, IPv4, also public IP and IPv6 are active. I switched UpnP on and off.
Roon remote on iPad and Windows PC works fine. In the ARC settings of Roon always the same error message “Roon Arc cannot be reached from outside”.
Please help me. Thank you. Uwe
Here is the error-message out of Roon/settings/Arc:
"ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkError","status_code":504,"error":"error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined"},
"external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"","actual_external_ipv6":"null","router_external_ip":"null"},
"natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"},
"upnp_autoconfig": {"server_ip":"","found_upnp":true,"error":"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>




I hope I can get any sufficient hints, otherwise I will make an end with Roon with the next payment-day.
Thank you so much. Uwe

Hello @Uwe_Schroder ,

Thanks for your message.

This error suggests that something else is trying to use port forwarding for the port you have set up in Roon. Are you able to access your router settings and manually select a different port to forward for your Roon Server? Please ensure that the same port is being forwarded in the router and also in the Roon Settings → ARC tab. Let us know if this helps!

Hallo and thank you, but that did not change anything. I had tried this before, now again with another port-number, but error stays the same. I further checked the list of used ports on my Windows- PC and in the router- settings, but none of them is in the range of possible ports.
What to do? Uwe

No Solution up to now. I replied 4 days ago, but received no further suggestion. Poor result. Please help! Uwe

Hi Uwe. As I am not using port-forward I can’t help you.

But as you are using FritzBox, why not use this metode:

It works just fine with my AVM FRITZ!Box 7690


Hi @Uwe_Schroder,
An option we offer is using Tailscale to connect ARC to your server. This method will allow you to avoid port forwarding and it should be easier. This article will show you how to set up Tailscale. If you would prefer to continue troubleshooting port forwarding let us know!

Hallo Torben, vielen Dank für den Tipp (ich denke, wenn du in HH wohnst können wir auch auf deutsch kommunizieren, oder?).
Hast du vielleicht einen Link, wo das genauer beschrieben wird, speziell für Roon ARC? zunächst werde ich mich mal schlau machen über Wireguard allgemein (habe FritzBox 7530AX, Vorgehen ist wohl identisch). Ich melde mich dann nochmal. Uwe

Hallo Uwe

Ein Paar Links für dich :slight_smile:

Viel Erfolg


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Thank you for sharing such helpful content @Torben_Rick! @Uwe_Schroder let us know if the above helps get Arc up and running for you! :raised_hands:

Hi, friends, I now followed Torbens suggestion and tried a solution with Wireguard VPN but with the Wireguard-variant Tailscale, which was suggested by Roon. I installed it on my QNAP and iPhone and it works fine after switching on the Tailscale-VPN. But there is one severe issue I detected: My Roon remote at home did suddenly not detect the Roon server via Linn amplifier. The reason: In the ARC-setting window the DNS subnet had changed to the Tailscale subnet. After resetting it to my home-network everything was ok again. Thank you Uwe

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Hi @Uwe_Schroder,
I’m glad you got Roon working properly. We’ll mark this thread as solved. Please let us know if you have any further issues.

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