No local Media files after upgrading to Build 1223

Roon Core Machine

Grimm MU1

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Asus DSL AC68U and Asus Mesh Wifi - 2 Netgear switches - all audio gear is hard wired to network

Connected Audio Devices

Ethernet to Grimm MU1 and Ethernet to D&D 8C

Number of Tracks in Library

5000 albums 70000 tracks

Description of Issue

Can play all tidal files, but all my locally stored content on both the Synology NAS and internal Grimm SSD show up as albums, but all individual tracks show as unavailable. Have tried rebooting Grimm MU1 core several times and rebooted network. Re-attaching drives does nothing

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Music library Disappeared After 2.0 1223 Production Update [Roon Investigating]

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