No Roon Audio from MacbookPro

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Roon version 1.7 - build 710
Running on 2013 version iMac - i7 processor, 32 GB RAM
Trying to listen on Macbook Pro 2017. i7 processor 16 GB RAM.
Plenty of drive space on both.

Network Details
Netgrear Orbi wifi on MacBook.
Core is connected via 1 GB ethernet.

Description Of Issue
I am trying to listen to Roon playback on the Macbook Pro. No dice. Have tried both system output and core output in the audio settings. (not sure which one to use, confusing. )
Anyway tried everything and can’t listen to playback. I can listen to other things, like onboard music and Spotify.

Hi, @Mitchell_Manasse, sorry to hear about your troubles. Could you, please, specify what problem are you having? Playback does not start or you do not get any sound, but playback is working? Could you, please, provide a screenshot of Settings -> Audio tab from your Macbook pro 2017?



Hello Ivan, The problem was I could see that Roon was playing a track but couldn’t hear it through the macbook internal speakers. Also tried the airpods and they wouldn’t work together. If I switched to Spotify or Apple music, the audio played just fine.
So, as I was beginning to respond to you, I tried it again. Lo and behold, it now is working. I can hear Roon playback. Not sure what changed. Haven’t even logged off the computer. So not sure I can replicate the problem. Stay tuned, haha.
Tell me this, in Roon audio settings, what’s the difference between system output and core audio?
Thanks, Mitchell.

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Hi @Mitchell_Manasse,

Thanks for letting us know that audio is working now, that’s fantastic news!

Please see here:

Happy Holidays and do let us know if there’s anything else we can assist with!

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