Not seeing local version when starting point is streaming version

My own local nversions in library are not showing up next to streaming equivalents if starting point is the streaming version. When did this change?

Here we all versions when I am on my version

Click on any one of the streaming versions, I dont see mine as a version anymore.

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Moving to Support. Not metadata per se.

Hey @CrystalGipsy,

Interesting issue! Are you still experiencing it?

Does the same issue happen if you view one of the Tidal versions?

What happens if you add one of / all the other versions to your library?

(Funny enough - I’m coincidently giving this new Vampire Weekend record a listen myself before seeing your screenshot. Always a fun listen!)

Hi Benjamin yes If I add a version from Tidal to my library it will then see my version alongside all the streaming ones. It’s the same for Qobuz as well not just Tidal. Not sure it did this before. Something to check as I got another user and they could not replicate it but it did it for me all the time. Not checked on the latest version to see if it’s the same. Well check back with you.

Okay checked latest version and it doesn’t do it anymore. As this is a new trial account though and doesnt have my years of curation, tags and edits which I was using at time of reporting this. I can’t really say if it’s the same or not. It maybe my main library is affected. But as no one else has reported this behaviour maybe it’s in a weird state. May best to close this one and I will investigate it again when in return back to my main account when I resume my subscription. If it’s an issue I’ll raise it again for you to look at.


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