Notifications of duplicates on playlist and ability to drag a song to a playlist

Hello Friends,
Is there any way roon can notify you if you are adding a duplicate song to a playlist. Also is there a way you can drag a song from one playlist to another. Example: You open a playlist, pick a song and drag it to another playlist list on a window on your left. Tidal has a feature like that. Thanks

There are at least four existing feature suggestions for warning when adding duplicates, this one has the most votes, I suggest you add yours

I can’t find one for the dragging, so maybe create a new one in Feature Suggestions

I am intrigued though, how do you have more than one Roon window?

Sorry, Not having two windows open. Within the same window, Just have a list of your playlist of the left side where you can drag songs from your open playlist. If that makes since. :slight_smile:

I would love more than one Roon window and thought there was hope :slight_smile:

Regarding the duplicates, are you aware that you can show just the duplicates? That doesn’t avoid them but better than nothing

No, I was not aware. How can I do that please. Thanks

Thank you. Greatly appreciate the help. :slight_smile:

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