Now I need to reboot DAC on every startup

Thanks @dylan

I’ll give that a try today.

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Sorry that I didn’t get back to you on the tests yesterday.

Okay, so we have a test that resulted in a change:

First, I ensured that everything was running (playing) correctly in the standard configuration. I then took the USB connection out of the Mac Mini (Core) and plugged it into the MacBook Pro, changing the Audio Zone to that USB connection. Music played fine in that configuration.

I shut everything down and restarted from scratch. The PS Audio DAC played on the first attempt. Just to be sure, I did it again, starting everything from cold… the DAC played on the first attempt.

After moving the USB connection back to the Mac Mini and restarting everything, the DAC needed two boots to get going.

For Test 1, then, PS Audio DAC to Mac Mini = have to boot twice. PS Audio DAC to the MacBook Pro = boot only once.

I didn’t do Test 2. I figure I’ll wait on your reply to see if that’s even necessary.

So, I guess we have some sort of data point for you to work with. Hopefully you have a theory on what’s going on with this.


Thanks for the details here, @RobH!

I’ve passed the results of your test along to the technical team for their input. Additionally, I’d like to enable some diagnostics on your account that should provide us with additional information.

However, before I enable this feature, I’d like to ask for your help ensuring we gather the right information.

First, can you please reproduce the issue once more and note the time at which the behavior occurs. Then respond here with that time, and I’ll make sure we review the diagnostics related to that timestamp.



Okay, done.

The timing went as follows, all times are Eastern:

0942 - Boot Mac Mini, DAC, and the rest of the stack
0943 - DAC finished booting, play Roon
0944 - No sound output; shutdown DAC only and restart (takes more than a full minute.)
0946 - DAC back up, play Roon, sound output successful.

Please let me know how this works for you, and what next to do.

Thanks, @RobH!

Diagnostics have been enabled on your account and the next time your Core is active the report should be uploaded. I’ll pass it along to the team once it arrives and will be sure to update you once I receive their feedback.



Would you like me to restart/reboot the system in order to create a new event?

The Core should be active at this time, and will stay that way unless you’d like me to restart.


Thanks, @RobH!

I just wanted to confirm that the diagnostics report has been received and passed along to the team. I’ll update you as soon as I receive feedback from their investigation.


Hey @RobH,

Thanks for your patience here while the team has been investigating. We have reviewed the diagnostics report and tried to replicate this behavior in-house, but we have not been successful in doing so, so it seems like there may be something specific to your environment going on.

The team has recommended disabling HQ Player on this machine and then trying this again. If there are any other apps or plugins that may be taking control of the device, try disabling those as well.

Additionally, does this behavior occur if only this DAC is connected to the machine?



Well, thanks for looking into it.

The problem continues.

I’ll disable HQPlayer and test again.

I’m not so clear on your last question, “Additionally, does this behavior occur if only this DAC is connected to the machine?” The only things I have hooked up to the Mini are the DAC and an external FW800 drive.

My sense is that a Mac OS update or a Roon update triggered the behavior, but finding the exact cause is likely not easy.

Thanks for giving that a try, @RobH,

I’d like to propose a test here:

If you create a new user account on the same Mac, install Roon with a fresh database on this new user, does the same behavior occur?



Boy, you all are just too much fun, aren’t ya? :grin:

I disabled HQPlayer earlier. I wasn’t using it anyway. No difference.

I’ll get to your next test as soon as I can. Got some travel coming up.


Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.