Now Playing screen not working properly?

Anyone notice this happening? All the icons at the upper right, except for settings, are missing. No info is being displayed in the main area. The 3 dots to the lower left are completely unresponsive; they do nothing.

This is on an iPad 7th gen. Everthing is running latest updates.

Works for me on iPad but I am on early access.


Deleting and reloading the app on my iPad brought back the icons on the upper right (and associated info/images in the main area), but the 3 dots menu on the lower right still does not work.

Using my iPhone 12Pro, the 3 dots menu on the Now Playing screen works fine.

Rebooting my streamer (where Roon Server resides) now to see if that helps.

EDIT: Rebooting didn’t help; 3 dots menu still doesn’t work.



A :heart: for the YouTube video. Classic.

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Thanks! :+1:


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