Nucleus+ not booting, shows boot error on HDMI1 monitor (ref#949QQG)

4GB could be a bit small - have you got a larger one?

Will get larger one

I have been unable to local one larger than 4GB - Is it vital that I get a larger one - as the instructions indicate 1Gb was ok.

I did try it with the 4G and was able to get the Nucleus up and running including installing the codec.

The issues now are:

  • Very slow and inconsistent success in booting
  • When it does not boot Power LED comes on (as does the ethernet (link and data) and then goes off (along with ethernet)
  • No roon logo ever when I boot
  • Will NOT boot at all if I have a new SSD drive installed (I wanted to add the drive, format it etc.



Correction - Ignore no Roon logo - I do see it in the sequence

I assume that you mean that you are seeing the Roon logo on a Roon client (i.e. Roon running on a PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone).

The fact that the Nucleus appears to be powering up, then powering down is worrying. Best to wait for advice from the Support team. Flagging @support for you.

Hi @Marc_Trachtenberg,

Thanks for sharing the updates and thank you @Geoff_Coupe for the assistance so far. We were able to take a closer look into the Nucleu’s diagnostics, but oddly enough are not seeing any signs of hardware issues.

Marc, are you still experiencing issues on your Nucleus?

Yes - still the same

Assume you are looking at SN 54B2038C10C2 - This is the unit not working

Do you have more than one Nucleus on your network?

Hi @Marc_Trachtenberg,

There is no device with that serial number assoicated with your account. There is also no account information for jerry.trachtenberg.

I will follow up with next steps via private message. Thanks!

I have a Mac running as a server for test.

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