Nucleus+ not connecting to router with ethernet cable

Repeat of yesterdays problem.

Nucleus will not connect to router to be found as core. HDMI cable shows Roon on screen …

Hi @Stephen_Carley,

Can you try connecting the Nucleus to a TV or monitor again via HDMI so we can see if there is any output this time? Some things to keep in mind:

  • If it doesn’t show anything right away, try pressing the power button while it’s connected
  • Make sure it’s connected directly to the TV/monitor and not through a receiver


Suddenly connected again although Tidal not loading properly with message failed to load albums but will play albums previously loaded plus Metadata improver message roon needs software update. tv monitor shows IP address


I had the same issue, restarted ROON and all is well now.


Thanks , that has restored Tidal and my setting match yours. I do still have the red metadata message?

I appreciate your help!

Would you please use the directions found here and send us over a set of logs using a shared Dropbox link? Thanks!

Thanks for sending that over, @Stephen_Carley. I’m going to pass this along to our QA team to review and will get back to you as soon as they’ve provided their feedback.

Connection to nucleus lost again, now back to windows 10. should I return unit to supplier for refund?

I checked with the team on this, and it doesn’t look like this is a hardware issue on the Nucleus. Based on what we are seeing in the logs, it looks like there might be an issue with the BT Smart Hub preventing Nucleus from properly communicating over the network:

08/14 13:06:43 Trace: [geoip] GOT <!--
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08/14 13:06:43 Warn: [geoip] INVALID REMOTE DATA: Sooloos.JSONExtensions.JSONException: JSON: missing required string field: status
  at Sooloos.JSONExtensions.Extensions.GetString (System.Object o, System.String key) [0x0001a] in <bfa2ce817f344d24a09cb6ca0aa79686>:0 
  at Sooloos.ServiceProxyBase+<>c__DisplayClass6_0`1[T].<GET>b__0 (Base.Result`1[T] result) [0x00011] in <bfa2ce817f344d24a09cb6ca0aa79686>:0 

The above is what we see in the logs. It looks like the BT Smart Hub is trying to return a login page (similar to what you might see if you used the wifi at a coffee shop or hotel). I would check that the BT Smart Hub is configured properly and possibly try bypassing it altogether with a different router and see if the same behavior occurs.


Thanks for feedback, it suddenly connected Sunday and currently stable. I did try another router previously with no success.

Thanks for the update, @Stephen_Carley. If you see any issues return please let us know!