Nucleus One, not able to use multichannel convolution filters?

Just setup my new Nucleus One but can’t access my sound card as I could on my PC based server.

Is Nucleus One not powerful enough to run multichannel filters?

There is no sound card as such in a Nucleus but you should be able to connect to the PC and output to its soundcard, provided that Roon Server or Bridge is running on it.

Hello @Arne_Mikkelsen ,

Welcome to the Community and thanks fo reaching out. Can you please confirm what kind of zone you intend to use with your Nucleus One? Have you connected the devices to the Nucleus or do you plan to leave them connected to the PC? If you have the Roon app open on your PC and have the Nucleus set as the server, the PC should still make it’s audio devices available to the main Roon Server and they should be accessible.