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Dear Roon,
Please help!
My Nucleus One unit will not turn on after receiving a software update on yesterday. No light around the power button. Will not tour on after several attempts.
Trouble Shooting Steps Performed: Note: several times.
(1) I have unplugged your unit from the AC outlet and wait for about 15 minutes.
(2) Press and hold the power button for ~30 sec a few times with no power source connected.
(3) Connect the Nucleus to the AC outlet and try to turn it on.
04/04/24 Unit Purchased/Order placed. Roon Store Order Confirmation (#5157).
07/02/24 Unit/package was delivered. From HARMAN INTERNATIONAL ROON. Delivered Tuesday 07/02/2024 1:10 PM. Via UPS
Can you please send a new replacement unit? This will help me get back to enjoying the music using Roon!
The Nucleus One has been working great! And I miss using it already!
Describe your network setup
Xfinity Internet Provider