Nucleus Plus experiencing slowness, crashes, and database issues (ref#R8BIKE)

What’s happening?

· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

How can we help?

· I'm having trouble with my Nucleus hardware

Other options

· Other

Describe the issue

I have a Nucleus Plus with a SSD on it. I have a lifetime licence. I use Roon with Ipad and Iphone. Nucleus is linked to a DCS Bartok by ethernet. I have always experienced a lot of slowness and crashes. Some weeks ago performance of the system got worst. Sometime my library database crashes (I always must to reboot the system, often is not enought and I have to switch off Nucleus), I tried to do a backup but is no longer possible beacuse of a problem with library database. And now the search of artists, album and so on does no longer works. I got a message that says that is not possible to connect with Roon Search.

Describe your network setup

I have a Nucleus Plus with a SSD on it. I have a lifetime licence. I use Roon with Ipad and Iphone. Nucleus is linked to a DCS Bartok by ethernet.

Hello @Stefano_Donati ,

If there is database corruption, rebooting the system only temporarily delays the issue, it does not solve it. How long have you been seeing the database crashes/corruption? Do you have any backups of Roon prior to the issues starting (or do you have minimal metadata edits / local playlists)?

Thanks Noris

I always had system crashes and slowness Since the beginning when I bought Nucleus.

The database issues started 5/6 weeks ago.
Yes I have a two months old backup.