Hello, I have my entire music collection on the Nucleus Plus and yesterdays it disappeared completely suddenly. When I went into local files it said there was no storage. I then done a restore the storage was available again and but it still didnt have my files. When I copied some back again it was fine but then a few hours later began loosing them again. Any ideas? Is this a software or a hard disk issue? Where can I look to find out more?
Haven’t heard of this issue previously. Could be a hardware problem with the internal drive failing.
Think I would replace the drive and restore the files.
Edit, try opening the box and checking the power and SATA cable to the drive. If those are loose it might be the problem But with the setup working for a long while I would think the drive is failing.
You seem to be running a mixed Early Access and Production environment between your RoonServer and controllers. Please be sure all your devices are on the same branch, either Early Access or the public production build.
Based on the description of the symptom and device diagnostics we’ve pulled from your account, you’re encountering a known issue for which we’ve released a potential fix with Roon 1490: Roon 2.0.45 and ARC 1.0.61 are live!
Please update to that build and let us know if the issue is still recurring - we’ll watch this thread.