Nucleus repeatedly stops working after a couple of hours

Roon Core Machine

Nucleus, Serial 48210B25D3C3
OS build 259

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Unifi US-16-XG switch, Unifi Wifi APs, all audio equipment connected over ethernet cables to the switch

Connected Audio Devices

Nucleus and Naim 200 series (NSC 222, NAP 250)

Number of Tracks in Library

Streaming only from Tidal and Qobuz

Description of Issue

Please find screenshots attached. I also have saved various log files from the Nucleus, please advice how to share those.

  1. I originally owned a Nucleus+ that got bricked after a recent SW just after warranty ended (which by itself is obviously annoying). My dealer offered me a Nucleus instead which was sufficient for my purposes and ended up cheaper than the Nucleus+ repair costs.

  2. I set up the new Nucleus from past backups, but it regularly stopped working after a couple of hours. Sometimes the Roon app displayed a “corrupt database error”. Hence I thought I’d start with a fresh install, and reset/reinstalled OS and DB per the Roon Web UI, without restoring from backup anymore.

  3. After trying that for a few days, the system worked for about 10-20 hours, but then was not accessible anymore and disconnected sometime during the night. I could neither access via the Roon apps nor via the Web interface. The HDMI console of the Nucleus did not display any errors though, but the terminal (I plugged HDMI and keyboard into the nucleus) was not responsive anymore to keyboard input.

  4. Shortly after the next reboot the Roon Server stopped working. I followed the instructions here:

… and renamed RoonServer to _old and restarted server. Shortly after restarting the server, I got an error message on the HDMI terminal about a “general protection fault” (see screenshot). This was in fact the only error message I ever saw on the terminal.

I now rebooted again and things are temporarily working for a few hours, but there is obviously something wrong. Please advice.

Thank you

“general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address”

Could indicate that you have a memory module issue. I’d go back to that dealer and have him test the memory modules, and, if bad, replace them. (and yes I would suggest replacing both if 1 is bad.)

Thank you for the suggestion! The dealer replaced the memory module and that indeed seems to have resolved the issue.

Unfortunately then it seems that the “new” nucleus replacement for my broken old nucleus+ was delivered with a faulty memory module.

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Did you keep the fixed one?

Yes, with the replaced memory module it has been working ok so far without issues.


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