Nucleus Rev A disappeared from Network

I have an original Nucleus (not +) Rev A running the latest Alpha build of Roon. I’ve had this Nucleus in my system, connected to an Audio Alchemy DMP-1, for several years now with no issues. Two days ago Roon is unable to find the core which is on the Nucleus. My network hasn’t changed, all other connected devices are up and running. Turning the Nucleus on and off has done nothing. Changing ethernet cables has not yielded any results. I see it has an IP address that is consistent with my router ( I’m at a loss as to what I should do. I fear the Nucleus has just stopped working. Any advice?

Are you able to bring up the Nucleus Web Admin Interface by typing in the IP address in a web browser?

btw, I moved the thread to alpha, since you mentioned it’s running alpha build.

Thanks, Greg. No, I can’t access Roon at all since it can’t find the core. And typing the IP into my browser brings up nothing.

Have you rebooted your modem, router and any switches you may have?

I have, twice.

have you checked for physical connectivity? Ethernet ports on the Nucleus and at the other end of the piece of Cat 5 should have green/amber lights which flash to indicate connectivity and traffic flow. They also indicate error states:

If your router indicates an IP address then you should be able to ping the Nucleus to verify basic network connectivity. Connect a TV via HDMI to it. What does it show?

I don’t have a Nucleus but do have a 7i7 NUC. Rebooting can be tricky due to the somewhat imprecise ON switch. Are you certain you have restarted/rebooted it correctly via the power button?

Thanks, Anthony. I did check and it’s all good on that end.

I’ll tag @support and they can have a look for you.

Cheers, Greg

Greg, wait on that. I did a hard reset on my router and rolled back my router’s firmware. That seemed to do the trick for the time being. I think I’ll leave things as is for now. I hadn’t updated the firmware on the router for almost a year and it was working fine. But I’m not going to question this for now. It’s working and that’s all that matters! Thanks for your fast replies and willingness to help.

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