Odd/crummy "library overview" view on Sony Tablet & Smartphone?

Hi all,

I’m pretty new on roon and have just got my Intel NUK (i7, 32 MB RAM, 240 GB SSD) with ROCK running. My music consists of CD- and HiRes quality FLAC files, taken from a Synology DS415+ with approx. 34.000 titles across all genres.
I have no proper endpoint yet (the Auralic Aries Mini is long overdue and has shipping problems) but already got the roon control and music playback running fine on my laptop computer.

However, whenever I want to control/browse the music from either my Sony Xperia Z3 tablet (SGP621) or my Sony Xperia Z5compact smartphone, the following problems occurs:

  • I cannot get the “proper” library overview" as seen on all the screenshots - instead, I only get a genre overview without any further details or see only album covers (sorted either way)
  • I cannot get either the tablet or smartphone to display roon in landscape mode - instead, it only displays everything in portrait mode which is far less nice
  • When different albums are displayed, the size of an individual album icon is so big that only four different albums are displayed at a time on screen, even on the tablet. This limits the overview quite substantially, is there any way to choose the display size of albums (like “small” / “medium” / “large” / “extra large” icons)?

Is there any way to get to the “proper” display mode also on my Sony devices or is this “a feature” that cannot be changed? If so, I would be forced to get another tablet as I really would like to have the “proper” library overview and not the crummy one right now (would be a pitty as the tablet was bought exactly as the roon control …).

Thanks a great deal in advance for your help
from a roon beginner who otherwise truely enjoys the experience a great deal
(and is already a lifetime member :-).

Matt T.

Settings/General/ Allow for more album covers and pictures might give you more.

Phones are in the phone interface which is portrait. Tablets get the interface as determined by Roon when it queries its resolution/ratio/graphic capabilities.

Thanks for the quick reply!
Seems I cannot find any item that says “Allow for more album covers and pictures” in my menu under Settings/General (sorry), but I will get a different tablet now anyway to get the “right” library overview (hope it’ll work next time) …