My opening post states this happens on my iPhone remote and it’s all the time, if it’s in the background and resumed its out of sync with what’s playing and takes a short while to catchup. The fast ffwd catch-up hasn’t happened since but as you see in this thread others have had same issue. It’s not isolated to me.
Windows 11 remote on my surface laptop 3 also had it severely when it was showing lyrics to what was playing on my zone. You should have my email account on record that’s tied to my account.
Point of reference, using my Windows 11 Surface Laptop 3 now as endpoint and viewing lyrics takes 5 seconds in to next track to change now playing . Also I am noticing also a delay in audio starting roughly about the same lenght of time which never used to happen skipping tracks is not instant either but this seems quite random and not consistent noticed this a little on my Fiio M11 Plus to, before last update playback was instant.
Hi, @Simon_Arnold3
I’m failing to reproduce this issue on my end as well. I’d appreciate some extra details, that might help to reproduce it. How often are you getting this issue? How long is the app in the background to get out of sync?
regards Oleh
Hi @oleh It does this all the time as soon as its in BG then it starts to lag and when brought back to foreground needs to refresh to catch up. The play bar is way behind time wise and so will the track being shown. Even if its in foreground and goes to sleep its doing it. I wonder if this is the iPhone going into network standby to save power?
I thought I’d mention that I experienced this one for an afternoon about two weeks ago, and since then not again. I know not helpful for diagnostics, but I can add to the “it’s not imagination” - because the app had lost focus for a number of tracks worth of play time, it took 30 seconds after regaining focus for the app to become useful again.
Again, while you’re looking at this issue, try to determine why Roon frequently crashes if placed in the background or frequently locks up when in the foreground. iPadOS v16.2.
These troubles with the Roon iOS app have been ongoing for quite awhile, years actually. Maybe hire someone who can code iOS apps?
Can you please let us know the time + date + Roon Remote in use when the issue next occurs? We will then enable diagnostics mode to see if logs have any clues. Any additional details that you can provide of what you were doing right before the issue may be helpful to have. Thanks!
Well just brought the app back to fg after it not being in foreground for some time as I stopped playing music over 2 hours ago after the last album had finished. It opened with a track that was 4th track on that album not even the last one being on now playing only changed after a few seconds. Track was Passenger by Iggy Pop.
11:24 AM ET, playing Fritz Reiner’s Bartok Living Stereo. Foregrounded app, it went through five tracks at speed, then volume glitched quickly up and then back, and then it landed in “real time”.
Wondering if this has something to do with “enable Lock Screen controls” because volume flashed up.
I had the silly fast forward thing again yesterday on my Windows remote. It’s so funny when it does it. It had been left idle for a bit and brought it back out of sleep, brought Roon up from being minimised and off it went ffwd through stuff to catch up.
It’s a sad state of affairs at moment all the apps have some quirks or other and really tarnish what should be a premium experience.
Thanks for the update on this. Would you be able to record a video the next time this pops up? With that, I wasn’t able to enable diagnostics on your Windows 11 remote. Would you be able to send over a set of manual logs from the Windows remote? While I’m sure your familiar with the process at this point here are the directions and here is our File Uploader.