Old Metadata still showing up in roon

Hi @connor Thanks for merging the threads.
I have now submitted the database as you requested.

I havent added many tags in roon, here is a screenshot.

99.99% of my metadata are at file level.Im not keen to do the heavy-handed workaround that you suggested, as this is not sustainable.

I hope Roon devs can get to the bottom of it and provide a fix.

Also please note the wrong artists highlighted in the original image, I corrected it by going to the album and doing a re-scan of the album. Here are more example which should still be present in the database I uploaded


Hey @navihane,

Thanks for sharing a copy of your backup! Our team will review further and attempt reproduction in-house. We’ll report back with more information once this takes place.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime! :raised_hands:

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Thanks @benjamin Looking forward to the resolution

Hi @navihane,

Just to confirm, have you manually merged any of the erroneous artists in your search results from your screenshot?

For instance, manually merging S.P Balasubramiyam to S.P Balasubrahmanyam, to merge the former into the latter?

We want to clarify the current status of these examples for our QA team. Thanks!

Hi @connor None from the erroneous artists.
Here is a list of artists that I merged