One Click Play Please [Delivered]

I would like to assure all users that the developers DO review the feature requests and consider them. There has been movement from the initial design of Roon in relation to this issue with the introduction of “Play from Here” and Mike has discussed related issues regarding the Queue here.

The only thing you should read into silence on the part of the developers in relation to a one click play option is that it hasn’t yet been ruled in or out. That is the position. If it changes then they will advise all of us.

Personally I favour an option to customise playback by allowing the user to select a default left click behaviour from a fuller right click menu. But I understand the argument against that is a design philosophy that each UI in Roon across multiple platforms and OS’s should have, so far as possible, the same user interface. That will necessarily limit the extent to which Roon adopts conventions or controls unique to differing OS’s, but may also limit the extent to which customisation is allowed.

In any event, at the moment it would be fair to conclude that other matters have been given higher priority by the developers and my guess is that it is unlikely that a central feature of Roon such as the Paw Masher screen will be wholly replaced, but changes to Play have not been ruled out.

Anyone who regards provision of a thread where users can set out their views as a form of sadism needs to visit the Hellfire Club, where I understand sadism can be demonstrated upon request (or so someone told me :smiling_imp:).

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