One question about "album artist" and "primary artist"

So, i have this questions.
let’s take this example:

Here, i don’t understand why David Murray is transformed in a link in the album artist string, while Gwo-Ka Masters is not.

If i edit the album metadata (album artist settings) with “David Murray & Gwo-Ka Masters” (or “David Murray / Gwo-Ka Masters” or similar, but NOT “David Murray and the Gwo-Ka Masters”) i get:

which is what i expected. so, i don’t understand when a primary artist link is transferred to the album artist string and when is not.

It is doing what it can to parse the string. It was the extraneous “the” that caused the problem. I’ve found a slash between exact copies of the primary artists’ names works, e.g. “David Murray / Gwo-Ka Masters”

As @John_V says, it is the exact form of the reference, the word “the”.

I touch on this in this feature request