Over 300 Qobuz albums have disappeared [Investigating]

Roon has acknowledged this in another thread and offered something to try in order to resolve it.

Yeap, saw that did that didn’t work :slight_smile:

Just got home and saw 544 out of 569 Qobuz favorite albums re-appeared on Roon

Same here, all missing albums are back again.

They appear to be back for me as well, at least for now.

Hi All,

As we continue to investigate this issue, can you please head to Roon Settings>Services>Qobuz>Edit> Sync Library Now and let me know if you’re still having issues getting your library to display properly?


After starting up Roon just now (after leaving it down overnight), it busily started sync’ing with Qobuz. Looks like all the ‘missing’ Qobuz albums have come back!

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I had this issue occur to me as well. The albums eventually came back but my Qobuz listening history did not (tracks from my local library are still in History) Is there any hope of that coming back or should I resign myself to it being lost forever? I didnt see anyone else mentioning this exact item so figured I’d bring it up

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