Paid Subscription To Tidal, Qobuz, Both, or Neither

Roon works equally well for your owned music, Tidal, or Qubuz. Due to licensing issues, any service can lose rights to stream certain titles and must remove them. If you want a guarantee, you have to purchase the files, disc, or LP’s. As far as quality, I have no problems with Tidal or Qobuz.

I went both to see if Qobuz-USA would work for me. Now I am back to Tidal only.

I am more playlist oriented than Album oriented and with Tidal, the bottom of every playlist recommends songs based on that playlist, so i usually pick up a few that way.

While you very rarely find someone using Tidal in the US, most people have never even HEARD of Qobuz. I want music to be social and a sharing experience.

So for me it is:

  • Spotify for music discover and some mobile (Shazam into Spotify, Spotify generated playlists, Instagram shared songs)
  • Occasional Spotify playback on Sonos
  • Soundiiz move select things to Tidal
  • Play in Roon, keeping Tidal open side by side so I can edit Tidal playlists since Roon does not allow for this
  • Tidal for mobile with downloaded songs

I’d prefer non-MQA but it didn’t factor into my decision at this point

I sent Qobuz gaps from when Soundiiz could not find matches. They never responded.

I with the poll had separated Qobuz from Qobuz-USA, i bet most Qobuz in this poll are non-US. I think the catalog is still really struggling. Very hard to get actual data of the problem though.

I’m in US and have 844 linked albums in Tidal. I have 832 of those same albums linked in Qobuz. The ones missing in Qobuz are somewhat obscure.

Up until today, I could never get Tidal or Qobuz to work with Carplay. Apple Music works fine. However, while sitting in the car waiting on my wife, I happened to pick up my iPhone while connected to Carplay and clicked on Tidal on the phone. It started playing through Carplay immediately. I then did the same with Qobuz and it worked also. So, at least now I can use Apple Music, Tidal, and Qobuz with Carplay.

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I prefer Redbook over MQA, anyday, everyday.


That’s exactly what I feel about Qobuz…WHen I first trialled it a year or so ago, it was missing a lot of old unusual favourite albums which I could ‘test’ it with…only now, Qobuz DOES seem to have ‘caught up’. A satisfied Qobuz customer!

I’m not sure why, but I will probably keep both Tidal and Qobuz. I like them both and I like MQA through my 2 MQA DAC’s and 24/192 through my Oppo 203. Unlike some here, I have never had a problem with either one of them. I have almost 2000 linked albums including the same 1000 on both Tidal and Qobuz. In some cases Tidal has the highest resolution and best sound and in other cases, Qobuz does.

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