PGGB generated 16fs 64 bit output Wav file skipped by Roon

Roon Server Machine

Apple Mac Mini Mini M1, 8gb, Roon Server Version 2.0 (Build 1357)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Ethernet, no VPN

Connected Audio Devices

HQPlayer/UP Gateway NAA/Denafrips Ares II

Number of Tracks in Library

9,150 tracks in library

Description of Issue

After upsampling 44khz 16 bit audio tracks in PGGB to a 705khz 64 bit wav file and adding to library, Roon skipped the tracks and reported that “Audio stream format not supported”. File size was large around 3gb. The files played directly from HQPlayer and showed the output bit depth as 64f as attached. I can send you a copy of a file if that will be helpful. (Please note, 32bit and less bit depth files with exactly the same PGGB settings import successfully.)

Try it with a supported 32-bit file instead?

Thanks for the supported file list, I guess I was under the impression that Roon supported up to 64 bit. 32 bit using the same process works just fine. I must have missed the memo.

Roon Support, can you consider adding 64 bit support as upscale programs such as PGGB seem to become more prevalent?

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I would suggest that you post a new topic in the Feature Suggestions section. There fellow users can vote to support the request.

Out of curiosity, what purpose would upscaing to 64 bit serve?

It was the recommendation by the PGGB developer to upscale to 16fs/64 bits before processing to DSD in HQPlayer. It runs perfectly directly in HQPlayer but I really prefer using Roon as an interface. I am using PGGB in trial mode and just trying to understand how best to use it with Roon/HQP.

There is no reason for storing 64bits. I took a quick look at PGGB and I see no reason to use that either. These numbers are - as they admit themselves - ludicrous (and insane):

High Precision

  • GUI: 64 bits (Normal), 128 bits (Insane), and 256 bits (Ludicrous)
  • Command Line: 64 bits, 128 bits, and 256 bits
  • The high precision math libraries used by PGGB 256 are highly optimized, and developed in collaboration with ADVANPIX

Reconstruction Accuracy

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If you are using HQPlayer there is no point in pre-processing any of the files, imho.

The person you should have asked is @jussi_laako to see what he has to say on it.

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By not using it… There is no point in doing that, it will just degrade overall performance.

(it is like assuming that making a million cylinder engine into Ferrari would somehow make it better - it doesn’t - it would make it far worse)


Of course he would. He wants to sell you his tool, which costs as much as a good DAC. And HQPlayer does all that this… thing… would do, but then more, in real time, and better.

What Jussi said. Don’t, there’s no point at all to it, other than wasting at least $520.

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Thanks for the feedback about PGGB. I agree that the price has been oversampled by quad precision. I don’t mind test driving a Ferrari priced car. I also don’t mind asking the salesman how to start it as long as my wallet is still in my pocket :slight_smile:

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