Pink Floyd Hires on Qobuz - does not show on the Roon side

As you may know, Pink Floyd just released hires of all their albums, including streaming at Qobuz. Added to my favourites on the Qobuz side (given that the new hires versions do not pop up in the Roon Qobuz search ) Albums show up on the Qobuz side, not immediately, had to re-sync the library a couple of times. Problem is that it shows only the 44.1 versions. The weird part is that when it plays, Roon indicates is playing the hires version… so well, at least is doing the right thing. But is very annoying - how to solve this? is it a bug? or just an issue with the newness of the releases?

Android client 1.8 build 831 on Android 11, Samsung Note 10 and Lenovo Tab



5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pink Floyd Qobuz resolution not displaying correctly

Off topic: Strangely, in my system, Roon doesn’t play the two tracks below from the “More” album. Roon does not give any error, but it does not make any sound and the time slider remains at 0:00.
Is there anyone who can confirm that he can play the two tracks using Roon?
Thank you.