Playlist Improver: Feedback Thread!

I just ran through my 4022 albums again using the Roon Playlist Improver. Of the 490 albums I added yesterday, they generated 28 more new albums today.

It only took about an hour this time because I got the routine down and most of the updates were done yesterday.

My routine is to make a playlist using a segment of my Roon library albums. Run that through the Roon Playlist Improver process a few times then click on Upgrade quality one last time. Without saving the quality improvements, use the down arrow to find each available upgrade and click the three dots on the right and go to the album in question.

Then, click on Versions and make the appropriate addition or changes, etc. Finally, when finished, delete the playlist and start over with another segment of your library.

Also, since I have three Roon servers (I’m away from home using my Dell), I open Splashtop and update my Nucleus and Mac Mini at home by clicking Settings - Services - Sync for both Tidal and Qobuz.

I really would like to see Roon implement an automated process for this library resolution update.

EDIT: I’ll run through this routine again in a week after Tidal does it’s MQA flush, just in case they don’t leave me with the highest resolution available.

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