Playlist Improver: Feedback Thread!

I just tried this with my Dell Roon server with over 200 albums starting with A - artist. It worked but now I would need to go through and do the manual album updates in my Roon library. I think you’re on to something here.


I finished. I went through my albums with artist starting with A through Z. In the process, I added 490 albums. I don’t know how many of those are new and how many are replacements because I don’t know how many I had when I started. This is pretty cool but a little tedious.

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I have just completed a process going through my Library’s Redbook rips, manually, to see if they’re a HiRes equivalent, which is why I was thinking there should be a better way.
But 3,000 albums later and library is now 70% HiRes


Of course we have the issue that an older version with a “worse” format might be a “better” master (higher dynamic range). I don’t know how Roon could help with this without some crowd sourcing systems where people vote for the best Master.

I guess they could add the albums with the higher resolution track or tracks without deleting the others. Then, we could keep both or delete the ones we don’t want. IDK.

I don’t think that would work. “Best Master” is entirely a personal opinion.


I think it would be nice just to have the feature. Two weeks now and still no update available.

I just ran through my 4022 albums again using the Roon Playlist Improver. Of the 490 albums I added yesterday, they generated 28 more new albums today.

It only took about an hour this time because I got the routine down and most of the updates were done yesterday.

My routine is to make a playlist using a segment of my Roon library albums. Run that through the Roon Playlist Improver process a few times then click on Upgrade quality one last time. Without saving the quality improvements, use the down arrow to find each available upgrade and click the three dots on the right and go to the album in question.

Then, click on Versions and make the appropriate addition or changes, etc. Finally, when finished, delete the playlist and start over with another segment of your library.

Also, since I have three Roon servers (I’m away from home using my Dell), I open Splashtop and update my Nucleus and Mac Mini at home by clicking Settings - Services - Sync for both Tidal and Qobuz.

I really would like to see Roon implement an automated process for this library resolution update.

EDIT: I’ll run through this routine again in a week after Tidal does it’s MQA flush, just in case they don’t leave me with the highest resolution available.

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Agree, it seems in this world of AI and advanced technology it is a problem that should be solvable. Waiting for the music industry to get disintermediated and we can pay artists directly (with Bitcoin through Nostr)

Same for me. Just hit ‘Improve’ it says tis saved then 10 seconds later the improve button is back. It does not work with tidal at all.





Then 10 seconds later


When it comes back is it the same improver suggestion? I’m betting if you look it will be 17 tracks to match to library. If you match to library which is a lower resolution, then you will get suggestion to improve resolution. The choices are circular.

I’m having the same problem where I hit save, like remove Duplicates, from a longer Tidal playlist. So let’s say the number of tracks reduces by 25. In about 30 seconds the track count goes back up and the duplicate finder sees duplicates again.

I use ARC very frequently. Connection issues in ARC make me prefer downloads, so I use local files in playlists. But the suggested improvements prefer higher sound quality, regularly suggesting Qobuz files, which cannot be downloaded in ARC. A fifth option in the Playlist Improver I would really like to see: Choose local files.


You win. Yes, they are. :wink:

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Tryed the improver on a lot of playlists both from Qobuz and Tidal. The ones from Qobuz all went well. The ones from Tidal keep coming back with the same improvements!

Any progress? This happens either frequently or always for me (that changes are not saved to Tidal and the Improver comes back with the same suggested improvements whether De-dup or quality improvement).

I was asked to send a copy of my “affected” database, after telling Roon about this problem. So it seems they think it is my (our) problem not theirs. The more users report this same problem, the sooner we may get a solution.

This does not follow. They ask for our database content for analysis to identify bugs. I’ve also sent my database in, and it gave Roon Labs some insight as to possible causes of bugs/issues.


That’s OK, but why on beforehand presume my database is “affected”?

They’re just following avenues of investigation - if you’ve got a problem that others don’t experience, first port of call for investigation is for Roon Labs to examine your Roon Server logs. If they don’t show any issue, the next stage is usually to ask for a copy of the database from the Roon setup that is showing the problem…

The database will include details of the Playlists on that particular Roon Server - everyone will have different Playlists, so if some Playlists work with the Improver and others don’t, the natural thing to do is to examine the Playlists that give rise to issues…

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Coming from IT I completely understand the process. But looking at other reactions, it seems clearly that others experience exactly the same problems as I do. So why not ask for all those databases? And understanding the process, I expect a thorough investigation before stating that I have an “affected” database, which may not be the case.