Playlist Improver: Feedback Thread!

You were told in your Support thread that Roon Labs were collecting a few sample databases for further investigation.

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I haven’t read that in any of the reactions from Roon, but it seems we will not come to a common understanding. For me this may be still some old feeling coming from the “freeze-problem” that took some time to be solved and was first also more or less indentified as “affected” at the customer site and not Roon. As I stated before the “improver” is a great addition to Roon and hopefully it will work with Tidal as well at some point in time.

Before this topic also closes, maybe an update on progress to solve this issue?


Am also looking for updates.

I got an email saying that my thread on this issue was closed because the issue was solved!

If you mean this, it didn’t say “solved”:

Strange. Maybe this considers a closed thread as solved, which would of course be misleading

My feeling is, they got irritated by the fact that I guarded my privacy by not sending in my database or letting them look into my system for which I have a good reason. Maybe that’s why they suddenly closed the thread without any consultation. Obviously the problem is not solved as others also indicated. But its indeed strange to suddenly close the thread without consulting me and without a solution.

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Hi, @Hans_Toutenhoofd, this is what a member of our support team posted in the thread before closing it:

Hi @Hans_Toutenhoofd,
No problem! We’ll go ahead and close this thread in that case, as we’re continuing to investigate. Any solutions will be noted in future updates, and we’ll share any updates we find along the way. Thanks! :+1:

The “solved” marker is a bit misleading I agree but as it was mentioned there we are still investigating the issue and there is a open ticket for that. In case you don’t want to send your database we totally understand it. This action could have potentially sped up the investigation but after all it is your data and we respect that.

As soon as we have any potential fix or solution for this issue, our support team will contact you. Unfortunately, I cannot specify the exact timestamp when it will happen but this issue is on our radars.



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