Playlist Improver Not Displaying in Roon App on iPad and iPhone (ref#RLCGIX)

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The new playlist improver (a great improvement, much appreciated!) is not showing when opening my Roon playlists, neither on the iPad ,nor on the iPhone. I have installed the newest update on both.Thank you very much for your assistence.

Describe your network setup

I am using a Roon nuc core server by Intel:i5,250GB,SSD, 8GB

On the phone this is expected, but it should be there on the iPad:

It only shows IF there is actually something to improve. However, there may well be cases where it doesn’t find an existing improvement although it should.

So the question is whether your playlists contain such tracks, e.g., if there is a a higher-res version if you look manually, or the playlist has a non-library version that it should suggest to replace if you have an in-library version.

Examples would help.

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Thanks for your suggesties.The improve button meanwhile does show when applcable and works perfectly.

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