Playlist no longer works after the last update

After the last update, my main Qobuz playlist no longer appears in “playlists” when entering the “Qobuz” menu I receive this error warning.

I’ve already tried logging out and reconnecting to the Qobuz account but it didn’t work.

And this also happens on another system I have with Roon Legacy 1.8, this has never happened, only after this last update.

How do I fix it?

Moved to Support. If it also happens with 1.8 then it’s probably unrelated to the update as such, though, because there was none for 1.8. Though something may have changed server side.

Do you have Qobuz albums in your Roon library and are they still there and playing?

Try rebooting the router, then any switches, then the Roon server machine

This playlist has always been available, it only stopped being available immediately after the last update, I’ve already tried a complete reset with no results.

This weekend I went to the place where I have another system with an old Mac Mini and I was surprised that the playlist is no longer available there either.

Everything else (favorite albums, playlists) on Qobuz is working normally. When accessing the Qobuz app, the playlist works normally.

Weird. As it happens in two places with very different Roon versions my gut says it’s a Roon server-side problem, but no proof obviously.

Might need Roon official support :person_shrugging:

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What if you click the red dot in the menu left top?

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This error usually happens when I switch between the 2 systems, just a restart solves it, this was the case. However, the problem with the playlist remains.

Did you click the red dot? And see what happens.

It is no longer in red, all it took was a restart, as always happens when I switch between the 2 servers with the same account, the red dot indicates a failure to synchronize the library or something like that.

Just as the playlist disappeared, now it reappeared, I didn’t understand anything.:man_shrugging:

Hi @luiz_antonio_budel_j,

You likely experienced the result of some backend server work that coincides with your report.

If you encounter this again, please let us know in a new topic thread.