Playlist tracks not deleting properly in Roon (ref#OVOK7D)

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I'm having trouble adding music to my library

Some of my roon playlists behave strangely, when I delete a track, a "reset" button showup and it shows 154 of 155 tracks for example. I press reset button but nothing happen.
I didn't set any filter in my playlist.
If I restart roon server in my win11 PC, the reset button disapear but all deleted tracks show up again. If I delete some tracks and add the remained tracks to a new playlist, the deleted tracks also show up in the new playlist again (155 tracks in total again). The new playlist also show the reset button when I delete tracks there...
If I add a new track to the malfunctioned playlist (with a reset button), the deleted track also all show up again...
I found same problems on roon community but there was no answer to fix this issue yet. Please help!

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Ticket In] Roon isn’t removing music from playlists