Playlists as album view?

I am coming back after more than a year and wondering if it is now possible to see the Playlists witht their respective albums, the track view is in my opinion useless…
Many thanks in advance for your help!

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Album view in playlists

Since I don’t know what exactly you’re after, is it the following you’re looking for?

Hey @Francesco_Doenz, if you can give us a little more information about what you’re hoping to see in terms of album/playlist display, we’d be happy to help. I’m not quite sure what you’re asking.

You can choose which columns are displayed in your playlists. Just go to any playlist and click the settings button.

Then, choose the columns you want to see. I’ve chosen the track name, length, artist, album, and release date. But there are more you can select.

This may not be what you want, or the question you’re asking… but if you give us a little bit more detail we’d be happy to help.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Album view in playlists