Playlists list tracks and not albums

I have been building new playlists, but every time I click on the three dots and “add to playlist” roon adds all the tracks separately rather than adding the album. So I have two questions: (1) is there a way to consolidate the existing huge array of files album by album; (2) going forward, how do you ensure that you are adding an album and not all the tracks separately? Thanks in advance for any advice.

If your expectation is that Roon only adds the album as a single entry to a playlist, then I believe this is currently not possible. A feature request has been submitted for this. You may wish to vote for it here

Use the album level three ellipses menu

Hmmnn…in roon it says you can add either albums or tracks to a playlist. Oh well…

You can ADD racks or albums. What you can’t do is see an album as an entity once it’s ina playlist. Roon playlists are lists if tracks even if they were originally added as a whole album’s worth.

If you’re specifically adding full albums to a playlist and not a mix of tracks and albums, you may want to use tags…you can add albums to a tag and then focus your library just on that tag.

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