Playlists missing multiple songs (ref#P8I3E6)

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Playlists lost a lot of tracks

When album instance changes (due to licensing), Roon playlists lose songs in a way tracks become ‘black’ and, when clicked, it says ‘This album was not found’. This is an old issue and it’s terrible enough that Roon doesn’t offer either an automatic or manual way of fixing this, there is a new issue.

I’ve noticed that some older playlists are simply missing tracks. Not ‘being black as the album doesn’t exist anymore’, they are simply not there.

I mostly use my playlists to create setlists for concerts I’ll be attending to, so they typically contain 1-2 hours of tracks. I’ve noticed this:

They lost most/all tracks which I find this very disappointing.

I’ve noticed this in a few playlists where most tracks are missing, but who knows what is missing elsewhere…

I believe this happened relatively recently, in the past few months.

Roon, what is happening? I would like my playlists back!

Hi @gmit2,
Thank you for writing in to let us know about this issue. Were the playlists with the missing tracks from mixed sources (i.e. some local tracks and some tracks from different streaming services)? Did you notice these missing tracks after updating Roon?

My playlists consist mostly of Tidal tracks, only a small amount is from local files.

The missing tracks were likely entirely from Tidal as, for example, I never had anything from Myrkur or Blues Pills as mp3/flac, and it’s unlikely I’ve deleted anything from my local music…

I have noticed this yesterday. As I see, most of seriously damaged playlists are quite old and I mostly listen to newer ones which seem ok. The last time I was on a mission to listen to all my playlists was maybe a year ago (max two) and they were ok back then, so it happened sometime in between (I don’t know if it happened with the last Roon update regarding playlist management).

I have tried with my oldest backup from December and it’s the same, so it was not caused by Roons newer than 2.0 build 1357.

This tells me that there has likely been some change to Tidal’s catalog since you last listened to those playlists. That’s not to say these tracks are unavailable but perhaps in new locations. You can try re-adding the missing tracks if you want to spend the time doing that.

Mhm, please notice the difference between the second screenshot and all others - when the album disappears from Tidal, the playlist will still contain tracks, but they will be unplayable and have a black album cover (as it cannot find the album). But tracks are present in the playlists.

In my complaint, playlists don’t contain tracks any more. I cannot re-add them as I don’t know which are missing, and where.

Do you have any backups from before this happened that you can restore?

Unfortunately, no. I have 99 backups and the first one also has songs missing…

I’m sorry to say I don’t know what the next steps could be here. If the backups don’t contain the contents of these playlists then I’m afraid they no longer exist. The last possibility is that these playlists exist on one of your streaming services if you made the playlists there.