I am a new Roon user and think the product is fantastic!
But I am unable to get my iTunes playlists to import. I have read previous posts and have tried the different fixes I can find.
My Roon level is Level 1.3 (Build 269)
My Mac is running 10.11.6
The iTunes library.xml file is in the iTunes folder along with the iTunes media folder
I have checked that the xml file is updated as playlists change.
I have tried consolidating the library
I have tried turning the import iTunes playlist option off - rescanning - turning it on and rescanning.
I have tried removing the iTunes folder from Roon and then reimporting it fresh.
Hi @Bob_Suter ----- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us. The insight is very appreciated!
Moving forward, to help us better understand while the mentioned playlists may not being importing, may I very kindly ask you to please provide me with the following:
Screenshots of…
Your “storage” tab found in “settings”
The “edit storage location” window displaying the settings you have in place for the watch folder containing the mentioned playlists.
Here is a dropbox link to a folder containing the xml file and a play list
[Removed after content was downloaded by support]
The media making up these playlists is stored in the “iTunes Media” folder in within the iTunes folder
This media is available to Roon
I have followed the knowledge base guidelines…
The strange thing here is that shortly after I posted this request for help ALL of my iTunes playlists did appear in Roon!
But I came back a couple of hours later to use them and they had all disappeared again… nothing had been switched off or changed.
Hi @Bob_Suter ---- Thank you for the follow up and providing the requested materials
Confirming that I have accessed the provided dropbox link and downloaded the contents. Furthermore, I’d like to take a closer look into what could be causing this behavior especially since you said that the playlists appeared briefly and then disappeared again.
In light of the above I have went ahead and enabled diagnostics on your account. This action will automatically generate/upload a diagnostics report to our servers which will contain a fresh set of logs. The next time your core machine comes online we should receive the report at which point I will have our techs take a look.
Hi Eric…
Thanks for this…
Very interesting… I closed Roon down and then opened it again (in case you needed that to produce the diagnostics).
As it opened all the play lists were there… Was just going to put this in the post but about 20 seconds later they are gone again!
All very strange.