Please Improve "Screensaver" Mode

I just discovered today that Roon has a so-called “Screensaver” mode. I note a few things about this:

  • For a “screensaver” mode, every element on the screen is fixed in Roon. A true screensaver (such as other players have) move the elements about the screen every now and then. Even LCDs suffer from ghosting, so moving album art, the track bar and textual information would help.
  • It seems to be invoked only via an explicit keyboard command (Ctrl-S). Usually screensavers kick in when no user interaction is observed for a specified period of time. Please add this (probably as a user-selectable option in the Settings).
  • The Roon “screensaver” seems to be more akin to a “now playing” information screen. That’s all well and good, but I think it could be further improved by the addition of “next up” information.

+1 Good shout. Something a bit more visually interesting would be great.
Also I noted that for Radio , the next track information is missing.

I’d respectfully disagree with this. If I’m in shuffle mode, I want to be (potentially) surprised or intrigued at the next track, rather than know what it is in advance. Perhaps this could be presented as an on/off option. Actually, I’d like to customize the screen further; specifically the ability to show/hide a field, move it to a certain location (i.e. what’s displayed at the top, middle, or bottom of the info ‘pile’), and adjust the font size of a field.


The half-finished “screensaver” we currently have has already been commented on here:

And I just commented further here:

It just needs to (a) move around to save the screen and (b) come on automatically.

Something like the Windows Media Center now playing screen works very well as a music based screen saver - especially on a TV where you want to avoid any risk of “burn in”.

Key attributes that MCE now playing used were:

  • background images, showing your album covers were always slowly scrolling
  • now playing info (album cover and song/artist info) would swap sides often (w animation) to avoid burn in

Yes, for something that came out in 2004, MCE was ahead of the times in many ways. I miss that screensaver :slight_smile:

I would so love to have a Screensaver that was actually a screensaver, and came on automatically. Nothing fancy, just what they already have, moving around a bit.

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Yes, an AUTOMATIC Screen server based on a TImer setting would be ideal…and is something that I think would add to the overall “attractiveness” of Roon


I also have one wish concerning the screensaver. I use my iMac from distance with wireless mouse. It would be great to have a possibility to scale up the screesaver’s fonts as it is convenient to observe the details without forcing my eyes to focus. And an additional wish: mouse pointer auto-hide in the screen saver mode! Good example of screen saver - Apple Tv, very convenient and simple with flipping cover and text.

What we have currently is not even a screensaver. Just a screensaver would be nice…

And a fancy, useful one, would be even better.


That is funny Geoff, what you consider the ‘screensaver’ mode, I always considered as the main ‘playing now’ screen.

And it is officially!) You can check the shortkeys menu in Room, Ctrl+s is for Screensaver.

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< moody >That’s just ridiculous< /moody >

Please note what I just discovered.

It’s been 2 years, and still no screen saver? Would be nice if we had an Roon api we could use to develop our own screensaver, and/or visualiser.

Maybe this is too hard for the Roon devs to create? Sound spectrum analyser do have a lot of math in there I guess!!

I’m willing to share my math knowledge if that might help :slight_smile:

One problem with a server-stored music library is that you can’t easily browse visually. So how about an ever-changing album artwork mosaic screensaver ala what Apple Music already provides when nothing it playing (or even in the background when it is playing)? For those who have a Roon NUC or Nucleus connected to a TV, this would be a pretty compelling feature. :slight_smile:

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I’m going to move your post to the already existing Screensaver Feature Suggestion thread…

The album artwork mosaic idea was first seen in the Windows Media Center in 2004…

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Can a future upgrade look at the images on the display being manipulated in a way that prevents the risk of burn in.

I’ve moved your post to the existing Feature request…

And - please Vote using the button at the top of the Topic…